Sunday 30 December 2012

So why ninja?.....well why not?!

So when a newbie starts 12wbt and joins the S.A. crew, they see sometimes we fling around the word Ninja, or something ninja related. Some ask, why ninja? Well this goes back to the beginning of round 2, 2012....

*Queue harp dream music*

We hadn't really started round 2 at this stage, we were still in the pre-season stage (or as my DH would say "you sound like your gonna go play football!", well darling, its a challenge after all haha). A new round 2 facebook page for SA was created and as with any group of women together, you could say there was a little bit of 'drama'. Said 'drama' was due to someone only trying to be proactive and helpful. This little smart cookie thought to start an excel spreadsheet, which everyone could plug their weight into. Awesome idea in theory, but not overly thought about what would happen when a heap of people tried to enter their went missing, data seemed to not get entered etc. 

Enter big catty fight on the page. 

A heap of us (well most of us) rolled our ours and stood back whilst a few individuals got personal on the matter. It was like standing in a school yard really, watching the two bitches go at it and we all had a giggle (and placed bets) on who would come out unscathed (I went to a public high school, we were classy like that!). 

Enter "Sensai Ninja" to the rescue (at this stage, they were unaware Im a ninja because of course, we ninjas are stealthy). **prewarning, Im about to gloat!**

With all my super awesome brain knowledge on computers, I worked out were were able to have an online spreadsheet which regardless of how many were in there, the data was still maintained. I was able to pretty this up and it became our little spreadsheet for round 2 weigh ins on Wednesdays. When I posted the said spreadsheet document link, I wrote the following:

"Okay ladies, here it is! :)

Below is the link to the online spreadsheet which can be used to log your weight weekly. Please note that this is NOT an excel doco although does replicate one and is actually online, so you do not need to download to enter. If you have issues, let me know, Ill see what I can do to fix, but i think this will hopefully fix the woes and also look pretty :) If you name is NOT on the spreadsheet, please let me know and I will update accordingly for you.

1. Copy and paste this link into your browser page: (if you can click, than click!)
2. Find your name
3. Enter your weight under the date
4. It wll automatically save so you dont need to worry about saving it
5. Exit - close browser window!

Now if any of you get your knickers in a twist, I will hit you with a noodle. You have been warned :)

ENJOY! :)"

From this, many funny stories came to play about noodles and being ninjas. One particular time a team member of 12wbt SA Crew put a facebook photo up of her with the pool noodles and saying she stole em from me! Rather funny! From this the 12wbt SA Ninja was born and has been something that has stuck around. Its been used many times, particularly at our squat challenge in Perth, where I kept screaming "NINJA" to keep everyone motivated (or made them push through so they wanted to ninja my arse when we were done haha). 

Our little round 2 ninjas are still around, still bantering and making the SA Crew what it is today. Our little ninja mission is to get a finale in Adelaide and we will get it. We are ninjas, we are fighters and we dont stop at nothing... :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha! I remember it well! As a round 1 & 2 member I definitely felt like I was in a schoolyard watching on! Muc h better since then! :)

  3. Woo Hoo! I'm famous and a part of history x
