Monday 20 May 2013

Color my world with rainbows!

So yesterday was Color Run in Adelaide and OMG did I have an absolute BALL!! Seriously, if you have color run coming to your capital, do it! You wont regret it! 

This is fruitchoc ninja and me at the beginning - all clean and white (with awesome tutu's!)

How cute do we look!?

It was a sold out event in Adelaide. Last word I heard, it was over 10k people running with rainbows! AMAZING!!

For those who have never heard of color run (seriously do you live under a rock?), basically the aim of the run is to just have fun and get covered as much as possible in COLOR! At each 1km, you go through a color station where you are sprayed, squirted, rolled (whatever you please really) in that particular colour!

First up was ORANGE!

Than BLUE!



Next was YELLOW!

and just when you think its all over....

They hand you this sucker....


and you use this to go crazzzyyyyy in the color arena/pit whatever you wanna call it!!!


Us at the end of it all!

Rockstars I reckon!! and the best bit? Blowing your nose for the rest of the day and out comes rainbows! Who thought I was a unicorn under it all hey!? haha :)

I had a shower when I got home and though...mmm there aint much in my hair, it can wait til tomorrow before I go to work (secretly I was hoping it would stain the crap out of it and Id have awesome hair!) and  this morning, I found this on my pillow.....

Opps! oh well, I do the washing anyways! 

So how tell me, did you do the color run? What was your favourite part?

PS I have finally finished my final essay for uni and submitted! HAL-I-FRICKEN-LUYA! Its like a massive weight is off my shoulders I tell ya! Oh and I got my oral presentation mark back, 18.20 out of 20....I think I passed ;)

Friday 17 May 2013

Being grateful and WWW

The one thing that I seriously love about this program, and cannot put money on, are the friendships I have made. I have made some truely amazing friends with people who understand the struggles I sometimes go through, we hold each other up when one of us is down and we stand by each other no matter what.

I have meet a few of my now very close friends through the program and they mean the absolute world to me. They dont judge me when I have a silly moment (just refer to me as a dickhead, laugh and move to the next stupid thing), they embrace and love when the filter between my mouth and brain has a malfunction, they encourage me to pursue my dreams and they acknowledge and understand the word RESPECT. These people truely mean the absolute world to me and they know exactly who they are!


On a special note today - Broken Leg Ninja - You made me get a guts workout with the laugh today!! Keep that shit up seriously!

Okay enough of the soppy shit

Things have been rather wet at Project Reno and Ive been head down bum up trying to work through my final essay for this subject. Its worth 50% of my mark, so shit got serious. I haven't joined the gym yet but my food has pretty much been spot on! I managed to lose 600g in 3 days so Im doing something right (idiot me forgot weigh in Wednesday, I was halfway through washing my hair and cursed myself for forgetting thus was completed on the Thursday!). Weekly Ill put my WWW details here Ive decided so, without further ado...

START: 76.4kg
Week 1: 75.8kg
Loss: 600g

This weekend is a busy one. Tomorrow will see me doing an SSS outside with hubby whilst we lift heavy wood and do a massive clean out in the wood shed. Yes this is not your normal classification for an SSS however instead of weights, Im lifting large tree trunks, using an axe and basically being all farm girlish. Ill wear my rubber zebra boots - Ill take a photo to show you later :P. Ill even wear my HRM to see what I burn!

**singing ** BURN BABY BURN!

Sunday is COLOR RUN!!!! WOHOOO!! So excited for this. Be prepared to see loads of COLORFUL photos! 5km of glorious fun laughter and smiles! Cant wait. 

Tell me, whatcha grateful for and whats your plans for this freak'n weekend?


Tuesday 14 May 2013

Fat Girl Glasses!

Soooo I have been AWOL, I apologies profusely but Im back and ready to smash out this round. Round 2, 2013 has began. Its my anniversary round and this one I plan to smash wide open. Why you ask? Well because I can but also because ADELAIDE finally got a finale, and boy are we excited!

So my major goal for this round - to get below my goal weight of 70kg and wear this dress to finale with some killer heels:

Its my Karen Millen dress which I was totally devo I didnt get into for the round 4 finale in Brisbane. But I am totally getting into that dress for the Adelaide Finale, so watch this space! My plan also is to keep you up to date on my journey, whether from stories of what Im up to, recipes I may come up with, my rants (generally entertaining!) and all my other ramblings in between about my life or things I hear or see! I promise I wont bore you and if I do, Ill show you funny or cute pictures? Deal? :)

Things have been bananas with me. Ive moved from concrete jungle and finally at Project Reno, I have been overseas to Thailand and rocked my bikini, Im half way through Semester 1 for Uni and even though been stressed over it, Im really enjoying it.and I did Mothers Day Classic with my Auntie, who is an amazing adopted mum for the day! I also did it with her last year and think it will be our yearly thing we do together (even though I do a heap of other runs with her, this one is spesh). Last year we had our photo together and so this year I wanted another to mark the occasion but also to do a comparison for my own head. I seriously  still have days where I think I am still wearing my fat girl glasses and I still feel as big as I use to and than I saw this....

No wonder Im cold at the moment, my insulation has disappeared!!! I actually managed to run most of this (besides two hills which I simply couldnt push my hip to do) and finished in 30.59. Which is bloody brilliant considering I do 5km in about 38mins so Im pretty happy with the time based on no running training for four weeks (except loads of walking and sweating in Thailand and lifting boxes etc!)

Whilst Im showing you comparisons, heres another one!

It takes you to reflect on your old photos to really take off your fat girl (or bloke glasses for my male readers!) to really take note of how far you really have come! I cannot stress enough for the newbies, whether your reading this as a 12wbt member or someone who is starting out in their weight loss journey outside of a program, TAKE BEFORE PICTURES!!! Its uncomfortable, you think WHY am i doing this, but trust me, you will regret it when you lose a heap of weight and want to look back!

So for my new readers, wondering about why Dream Believe Achieve NINJA? - read this post -

Also for those wondering what Im doing at Uni, because of my journey and my passion for all things health related, particularly childhood obesity, I decided to do a Bachelor of Science (Health Promotion). So I may start randomly talking about odd things Ive read!

If you want to know anything about myself, my journey or simply wanna say heya, how ya doin!? than dont forget to comment! I do my best to respond to all! I know I have readers, so let yourself be known! Tell me about yourself and how your journey is going! Id love to hear from you!

Well thats it for now! Ill fill you on the past weeks in future posts - I have some gorgeous pics of my holiday and Project Reno (well not so gorgeous, but its a diamond in the rough...well Im telling myself this anyways!)

Catcha Ninjas!