Monday 20 May 2013

Color my world with rainbows!

So yesterday was Color Run in Adelaide and OMG did I have an absolute BALL!! Seriously, if you have color run coming to your capital, do it! You wont regret it! 

This is fruitchoc ninja and me at the beginning - all clean and white (with awesome tutu's!)

How cute do we look!?

It was a sold out event in Adelaide. Last word I heard, it was over 10k people running with rainbows! AMAZING!!

For those who have never heard of color run (seriously do you live under a rock?), basically the aim of the run is to just have fun and get covered as much as possible in COLOR! At each 1km, you go through a color station where you are sprayed, squirted, rolled (whatever you please really) in that particular colour!

First up was ORANGE!

Than BLUE!



Next was YELLOW!

and just when you think its all over....

They hand you this sucker....


and you use this to go crazzzyyyyy in the color arena/pit whatever you wanna call it!!!


Us at the end of it all!

Rockstars I reckon!! and the best bit? Blowing your nose for the rest of the day and out comes rainbows! Who thought I was a unicorn under it all hey!? haha :)

I had a shower when I got home and though...mmm there aint much in my hair, it can wait til tomorrow before I go to work (secretly I was hoping it would stain the crap out of it and Id have awesome hair!) and  this morning, I found this on my pillow.....

Opps! oh well, I do the washing anyways! 

So how tell me, did you do the color run? What was your favourite part?

PS I have finally finished my final essay for uni and submitted! HAL-I-FRICKEN-LUYA! Its like a massive weight is off my shoulders I tell ya! Oh and I got my oral presentation mark back, 18.20 out of 20....I think I passed ;)

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