Thursday 8 August 2013

Random facts and 25 things happy people do!

So this week, uni started. My excitement to some is considered somewhat woeful - who gets excited to study? Please tell me Im not the only one. Im a nerd. Im stoked! It does mean long hours and not going to bed at a decent time, but thats what happens if I want to fit more in my day and live in the country (which I wont trade for anyone!). Im up at the crack of dawn, on my way to the bus at 630, at my desk at work at 730, go home at 4, go to gym or exercise, cook tea and than study! But

This semester my brain will turn to mush studying Anatomy and Physiology and Introduction to Psychology  Expect random facts over the next few months! For example - when you see "itis" - this means inflammation - so appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix!

See, they say you learn something everyday right..... your welcome! :P

Flashcards - need to get me some of these! Im a visual learner and I think the only way Ill remember the anatomy and physiology stuff is by going back to primary school learning! Sorry random thought!

Any ho, Ive read a number of things this week besides textbooks and uni stuff. Yes, Im one of those people. One of those people who if they arent on a pc working, I have my nose in a book or reading articles. Some has been rather hilarious but some have been a bit D&M and for a Wednesday, thats heavy. Hubby ninja sent me a news link today which he thought Id be interested in. It was written by a new to me blogger (who I am now following) called Shannon Kaiser entitled "Play with the World". She talks about her past and how since her transformation from a mental standpoint, she believes she is happier, fulfilled and really enjoys life. She attributes that to surrounding herself with happy, successful people and mimicking their behaviors and habits. She created a list of called "The 25 things happy people do differently" and she uses this list when she feels herself out of "alignment" and this helps her back on track. 

The list goes like this:

1. Stop worrying, if it is supposed to happen it will.
2. Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.
3. Don't let your happiness depend on anything outside of yourself.
4. Stay close to everything that makes you feel alive.
5. Listen to your body, it will lead you to unlimited health.
6. Surround yourself with people who see your greatness.
7. Make peace with your past.
8. See all setbacks as growth and expansive opportunities.
9. Comparing yourself to others will hurt your health and steal your joy.
10. Don't give up, EVER.
11. You always have a choice.
12. Stop chasing what’s not working.
13. Believe wholeheartedly in miracles.
14. Don't postpone joy.
15. Trust the universe, there is a plan greater than yours.
16. Wake up every morning with a grateful heart.
17. Remember things take time.
18. Always trust your gut.
19. No need to change people; just love them for who they are.
20. Don't resist change.
21. Forgive yourself.
22. Your life is a creative adventure.
23. Release expectations and enjoy the journey, there is no destination.
24. Just do you.
25. You're not broken or damaged. You are perfect just the way you are.

A-MAZING right!? 

Im totally putting this in my diary as a reminder! Its all so very very true and I think we definitely can all learn to do these things! I love each and every one of them! Its about remembering to be patient and kind to YOURSELF. Remember, there is only one of you and your worth every single precious moment! Its not worth beating yourself up over the tiny things because in the grand scheme of things, is it going to matter tomorrow? 

Minion kisses! xx LOVE!
On a side note, check out these awesome SA Crew members on the 12wbt blog! These are just a few of the many to be shown leading up to finale in RADelaide! Part 2 should be on the 12wbt blog today! These woman are truly amazing and are some of our home grown unsung heroes! They may not post regularly in the forums or on facebook but do truly deserve all the recognition for their hardwork, determination and amazing mind and body achievements! So proud of each and everyone of them! 

What I love about these women (and many others) is that they show the true meaning of what the 12wbt is about! Some people think a program like this is all about the bikini ready body - which hey, thats cool if you want that aim for that - however 12wbt is not just about that, its so much more! Its not just about the 6 pack or ripped body - its about real woman and men making REAL LIFE CHANGING journeys. Its about real life achievements and real life body transformations (inside and out). Its taking old habits and ditching that shit out the window! Its about REAL FOOD and not shakes. Its how we are all meant to live. Its about health inside and out! These women show this in so many ways and Im so grateful to know each and everyone of them!  

Rock on and remember to look in that mirror and say HEY YOU, YOU ARE AWESOME! and BELIEVE it!

Have an awesome day ninjas!

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