Thursday 1 August 2013

Verbal beat up -Are you guilty as charged!?

Are you guilty of what this comment is saying? We all have been at one time or another, some do it more frequently, some, if not most of us do it everyday. Why do we do it? Lets think about this for a second.

If I said to you, 

Omg becky, you have a huge butt and your so fat I cant look at you anymore? Your so lazy, you need to go on a shake diet and get your arse in the gym for 12 hours a day. Fix that shit up already!! Jezz!

Tell me, what is you first reaction, besides hurt, going to be? Your gonna wanna punch me in the face, right?! ( I know I would!). Your gonna want to defend yourself and tell me to go stick my head where the sun dont shine, right!? You instantly going to think, damn that Sensai, she is a fkn bitch.(Ps if you have friends who tell you this or are downright negative and cruel, you need to grow some balls and get rid of these people from your life - you dont need toxic people like this in your life, your better than that). 

So if you dont like people saying this to you because its hurtful, negative and makes you feel like crap, than why are you talking to yourself this way??

Think about that for a second!

Another thing Ive noticed of late on the 12wbt pages (facebook, forums etc) is people verbally beating themselves up and feeling guilty for doing something they think they should/shouldnt have (eg missed a gym sesh because life happened!) or the preverbial falling off the wagon (oh no I had some chocolate *insert verbal self beating* - **side note - holy crap, that means Im always falling off! haha). Ive actually read people are not coming to finale because they feel they dont deserve it!? WHHATT!!?

Okay so your round didnt go so well. Shit happens, your human!! Im no angel either ya know (remember Im ninja haha), Ive had times throughout the round where I havent had the best weeks with food and exercise (moving and last minute uni assignments can do that - thats real life!) but I did my best with what I had and made the best decisions I had at my disposal. Anyways, lets look at this from another angle for a second and put a few things in perspective. Since the beginning of this round or any round for that matter (some of us have been doing this for 12 months), you may not have reached the goal weight you dreamed of due to "life" however:
  • Your fitter
  • Your happier
  • Your body is singing better due to better food choices (regardless of that chocolate or occasional trea)
  • You walk with more confidence
  • You are reducing your risks for life threatening problems 
  • You know right from wrong
  • You can pick yourself up and dust yourself off
  • You know a treat is exactly that and not an always food!
These are just a few things off the top of my head. 

When you do this verbal beating, I want you to do me a favor. I want you to first STOP IT firstly and than really remember how far you have come. If you need a reminder of how much weight you truely have lost, I dare you to go to your gym (actual or home, where ever you have some weights) and I want you to go lift what you have lost. Do it. Lift it, try and hold it whilst looking at yourself in the mirror.  Now smile! Look yourself and say - I AM AWESOME! LOOK AT ME GO! Rinse and repeat! :P

That sometimes is the simple motivation and reminder about how far you have come. YOU USE TO CARRY THIS DISTRIBUTED all over your body. YOUR A ROCKSTAR! YOU LOST IT and you now have learnt the skills to keep that off! 

And everytime you go to beat yourself up, I want you to remember that moment in front of the mirror with the weights and say to yourself, No I AM BETTER, I AM AWESOME! because you truely, amazingly are! 

Morning Mantra when getting ready for work, school, etc, I want you to look in that mirror and not say, does my arse look fat in this? I want you to say - HEY HOT STUFF! Your looking awesome! 

I wont lie, it will feel silly saying it for the first few times but over time, you will believe it. Your mind is powerful but its only the way it is because of the way you have trained it. Train it like you train your other muscles.  

I heard a quote once, it was - If you fail, remember, its an entry point for learning and NOT a validation that your not good enough. 

On that note, I am outta here! I hope you all have a fantastic day!

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