Tuesday 16 July 2013

At what point do you stop caring?

Freedom of Speech
Definition: The right to express any opinion without censorship or restraint.

Overtly sensitive people, whats your take on them? 

Me personally, Im over it. Get your shit together. If you dont like whats written, than dont read it, scroll down, continue on. Its what normal people do. If you sit and read it, than take responsibility for how you feel about it. Don't past blame or take the easy road of blaming someone else for your feelings. Last time I checked, your responsible for your actions and how you feel. Blaming someone is a cop out.

Like my blog? awesome, we must be one of the normal people, the type of person i generally associate with. The lover of life, who couldnt give a shit about moany murtles.

Remember, she lives in the girls 'bathroom'...
Don't like it? Than my response is don't read it. End of story. I don't force you to sit there and read it, i didn't tie you to a chair and say READ IT. Yes I rant about fat kids, yes I think its your responsibility at the end of the day to live how you want to live and yes you may not agree with shit I say, but ask me if I care? 

Last time I checked, we lived in a country that allowed this, so why than must we restrict what we feel because of hurting another when the intention was clearly not that? I cant control how a person will interpret whats said, so why must I be quiet because of it?

Maybe its because I'm getting older that the bullshit that goes with some people, I just don't care anymore. Ive grown up with my fair share of drama creators, that honestly, I couldn't give a shit anymore. It caused me to many headaches and heartaches that you get tough from it. Its not a world issue. I have bigger things to worry about than whether you like what Ive said or not. Call me a bitch, I honestly take it as a compliment.

I dont have time for people who are rude (regardless of race may I add), condescending, a misery guts and try and find someone to pin point the blame ("oh no Im being bullied") when clearly they aren't looking at the bigger picture as to WHY people are over there bullshit. It may seem easier to play the victim, but tell me, where does that really get you? You may have a small amount of supporters, but the rest are clearly over it now but its still easy for you to pin the blame on one because they are more opinionated than others.  Awesome work there sunshine. I know I can sleep at night, can you? 

Oh and why your at it, stop telling yourself their jealous of you. Their not, they are just over it. Jealousy doesn't even come close to how people feel. That is the reality. People live in it, some people should simply try.

As my father says, life is to short to deal with the pus, so why would you bother? Im starting to come around to his way of thinking. If you cant make an effort with me, I cant be bothered with you. You causing me issues and want to play the loop de loop with your issues, play the blame game, your not a person I want in my life. and you know what, Im comfortable with that. I sleep a night soundly. I dont need the reassurance of others to feel comfortable in my own skin. 

Your all probably wondering where the hell this has come from. Its okay, this still applies to general real life. Its been brewing a while. Its kinda why Ive been a bit quiet on here (oh and uni, fulltime work and actually having a life!). Its also stemmed from the fact that Im just over people. Hubby Ninja commented the other day, on the fact he is glad I finally grew some imaginary balls (not real ones, I think he would be a tad concerned). I was getting hurt by to many people. I was the proverbial door mat. Still letting people walk all over me, still running to everyones aid, only to never receive the same back. As Ive got older, Ive started to care less and learn to trust my instincts. Im not here to please everyone. Like me or hate me, makes no difference to me. 

They say when your 29, its the transitional year (Saturn Returns). Its is the life transition that brings restructuring, and often lots of change. I believe it. I know so far I have gone through many changes, restructuring how I live and want to continue living my life and accepting the stuff I cant change. 

So at the end of the day, you love me or you hate me but know, if you dont like me, thats okay. I dont expect everyone to like me. 

And for those that love and appreciate me, you are the lucky ones ;)


  1. And yet this whole issue started because some people are apparently sick of seeing too many posts!
    But in your words..." Don't like it? Than my response is don't read it. End of story."
    So doesn't this make you a hypocrite?

  2. Freedom of speech applies to everyone, but has to have some level of political correctness. Whatever, reading this sounds like you have an axe to grind with someone in particular, rather than blogging about a universal topic. Good luck in your quest to ignore everything negative in life.

  3. Anon's - As mentioned above, which I’m sure I made pretty clear, if you don’t agree don’t read or scroll on. My thoughts on my blog are here for me and raise the issue that we should avoid negativity. If you have negativity, I suggest you seek Lifeline...

    Em & Rach - Love you to girls! Keep rocking! Your both awesome!

    1. My freedom of speech seams to be being vetted by you! Hypocrite

  4. Again,take a leaf out of your own book! "if you don’t agree don’t read or scroll on"
    Just perpetuating the issue by not living your words!

  5. Looks like there's some censoring going on here!

  6. Wow. It's always good to read comments by people who are so proud of their comments that they can't even put their name to them. Well done brave people. Well done.
    *Posted by Kas Modra: a person not too scared to be accountable for their actions*

  7. When people become offended it is usually because of that niggling kernel of truth penetrating their psyche. If you are offended by something look inside as to why you feel that way, it's usually got more to do with your own insecurities than any true reflection of what is being said. Some one who is easily offended is generally looking for it and it borders on the paranoid. Live and let live people. When you let go you will be free to nourish yourself and others in a truly supportive manner.
    Kelly Peterson

  8. wow! someone has really gone out of their way to read something they clearly have no interest in except to post negative BS and say things that aren't true! Don't change, You are AWESOME! you've been a massive POSITIVE SUPPORTIVE part of my journey and I'm so lucky that I can call you a life long friend,
    love your 'mini me'

  9. Haha u r so pathetic
