Wednesday 27 March 2013

Want some bum with your bun?

So today, a girl at work told me about some article that had apparently been rolling around facespace for the last few weeks which I clearly have missed (nose has been in my uni books). I was actually glad, when I read this. that I dont actually buy my hot cross buns from Coles or Woolies - they are full of preservatives and CRAP and what she told me today, really cemented all of it. I was disgusted, I was angry and than I was sad. 

Coles and woolies have been putting Palm oil in their buns (and other goods!). For those a little uneducated about this oil like me, this means that some gorgeous Orangutans are losing their homes, so we can have baked goods, yummy treats (which may I add, is going to straight to your arse), cosmetics (eww) and cleaning agents! 

What I am saying is only the tip of the iceberg lettuce, because palm oil is not just an issue and sad story that these gorgeous animals are losing their homes, the nutritional benefit of palm oil is...welll... non-existent. Palm Oil is high in saturated fat content (the bad fat) and as anyone will tell you, bad fat means bad things - eg heart disease, increases cholestrol levels, raises blood pressure which badda bing means FAT ALL OVER YOUR BODY AND YOUR BUM!! These four health issues are what is the cause of the worlds biggest killer, cardiovascular disease (YOUR HEART!) which claims a life every 2 seconds. Palm oil is also know to be associated with arthritis, inflammation and even breast and prostate cancer!! GAH!

How do you like our tim tams now? Yes those babies have Palm Oil.... What about some Mainland Cheese....yep in that to! Check out this link for more products -

The scary thing is, you may not even be aware that its in your products because thanks to their being no laws on the mandatory labelling of Palm Oil in most countries (including Australia), its listed under different names!  Ever seen the word "Vegetable Oil" on something... you can bet your bucks that its most like to be Palm Oil. 

Other names it could be:

  • Vegetable Fat
  • Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate
  • Palm Kernal
  • Palm Oil Kernal
  • Palm Fruit Oil
  • Palmate
There are many other names, just google "Palm Oil" and be shocked at what you find.

So when you go to get hot cross buns for the weekend (please if you do, in moderation!) or some chocolate (again in moderation!) - remember the info above or better yet, make your own hot cross buns! At least you know whats in them! 

If you want to know more, these sites are full of information (I warn you though, it is sad as well) visit the following sites:

Vote with your wallets people! If you do buy these products, maybe think before you do or even better, walk to the fruit and veg section and get yourself some real food! Save some animals and your arse!

HAPPY EASTER everyone, be safe, be healthy and make sure you move your body!!

Monday 25 March 2013

Its been a busy few days...week...weeks...

IM HERE!!! HELLOOO!!! How are we all fairing? Hope you are all well.

So I am around but have hardly had a chance to scratch my own arse of late. Seriously been one busy ninja. Uni seems to be finally making sense but Im finding every night Im reading etc. I think I finally have a pattern, but we will see. Last night I discovered one of the things I had to do was 150 words...YES 150 words! Most would go, oh awesome, thats easy. Nope not me. I am a rambler. I talk, write, yap, etc. My blog is a prime example of it! I had to cut my reflection piece down from 320 words to 150. I did it, but man my head hurt by the time I was done. 

I also found out what my case study was as well - wait for it - I seriously danced at my desk when I found out - Adolescent Overweight and Obese. Hows that for luck! I couldnt believe it, I had to re-read the email from the tutor, than recheck I was in the right group! Lets just say, its interesting so far! OH and than I read this lovely article, written by our fearless 12wbt leader - I was so happy to see she shares some of the same views I have and Im so glad its something that people are finally taking notice of!

If you want to read more about the "Lets Move" campaign, heres the official link - Such an amazing initiative! 

So what else has happened....well I won the escape travel war (never mess with a ninja!), I finally picked up my bike, I finally have my head around uni (I think), I started PT with PT Ninja (Burpees, I hate them but I apparently did 100 the other session! ROCKSTAR!), did dragon boat racing with the SA Crew (sooo much fun), started boxing with a new 12wbt crew member and things are moving along nicely at Project Reno! PHEW!

Soo pretty!

Ohh if you want a new blog to read - as long as you promise to come back to me, go visit a friends blog - - she is another SA 12wbt who is coming leaps and bounds! She is one to watch, coz this ninja is coming 'atcha fighting her way to the top! 

So tell me peeps, whats new!? Hows things going!?

Friday 15 March 2013

Lets make this world awesome!

Howdy ninjas! How are we doing today?

As predicted, Im walking like a 90 year old John Wayne. Sitting for long periods of time = loads of pain when I do move. I have muscles in my arse that I didnt even know existed, and I was pretty sure I though I had felt them all before now. If you havent been following, yesterday was my first PT in a while with PT ninja. Things were intense, I did things I didnt think I was capable of but no, I still dont love running up and down hills still...which is exactly what I was made to do yesterday, along with Jesus's near statue Mary in the part and some odd looking pushup which made it look like I was getting groovy with the grass. Did I have fun?? HELL YES. 633 calories burnt and I had the shakes. It was wicked!

Last night I did some study and the topic was Team Function. Now Ive been working a long while now and Ive been a manager, so team function is not foreign to me at all however one of the things we had to do was watch this youtube clip, which personally touched me and inspired me. The YouTube video is called "A Pep Talk from Kid President to You". Now you may of seen it, clearly Ive been living under a rock before now. Kid President is the nickname for a kid called Robbie Novak who was born with a condition called "Osteogenesis Inperfecta" aka "Brittle Bones Syndrome". Whats this you say - well the crux of it is that the condition causes extremely fragile bones and this means that the persons bones can easily fracture. Robbie bones fracture quite easily and instead of being down and out about it, this kid is truely AMAZING. His attitude, spirit and enthusiasm is truly inspirational. The questions he asks really got me thinking about this.

Watch it and tell me what YOU think:

So tell me, what would you create to make the world awesome? I know from watching this, I now know I want to definitely help share my passion for health, fitness and educate people to help educate themselves. We live in a world FULL of information and yet so many people are still uneducated about these topics and the expanding waist lines of so many people and children is evident enough of that! 

Told you he was infectious! I think I might dance now! 

During my PT yesterday, we were discussing the new Biggest Loser Australia, due to start on Sunday. Personally I cant wait to see the trainers sink their teeth into the contestants but FINALLY after many years of people harping about being overweight and children being overweight, the TABOO subject is finally a hot topic and so far its been hotter than ever. Its a very heated debate, its ruffling feathers EVERYWHERE but is that really a bad thing? Its definitely a topic Im rather passionate about (read here for my last post on it).  The fact BL is taking this on head on, on Aussie TV, makes me super proud! Its time it was no longer taboo, its time to face facts and its time to help those help themselves. Its time FOR NO MORE EXCUSES!

Lets make this world AWESOME!

Plus who doesnt like to look at the trainers. Theres a bit of eye candy for everyone :P

OMG I NEARLY FORGOT!!! MY BIKE HAS FINALLY ARRIVED AT THE STORE!!! I hopefully can go pick up next week (after its put together etc) Im so excited!

Wednesday 13 March 2013

BOOM and she is back in the game....

SO these last few days, decisions have been made, things have been organised and even though I am busy as a bumble bee in spring, I finally think I see the light (just when I started to panic and thought for a bit that due to budget cuts, some idiot had switched it off to save a few bucks!). After my overwhelming panic and OM Lorna what have a done moments over Uni, Ive decided to stick it out and complete this subject. I worked out a few things with my tablet so I can still access stuff when overseas (which I couldnt to begin with, frustration was high at that stage. Get this though, the uni has an ipad app! NO ANDROID APP!!). Anyways, I was than told by hubby ninja, oh I was gonna take your laptop anyways (he is currently without one, cant decide what he wants! Men!).

Speaking of holiday - now normally I wouldnt bag a business on here unless they deserve it, these idiots in my opinion deserve it. Whatever you do, dont book anything through Escape Travel at Grenfell street - customer service is fantastic (although I did experience some attitude, but I was so excited, I didnt care!) til they have your money and than they have attitude worse than a teenage girl pmsing. Seriously nearly ripped some try hard a new one coz of his attitude. Needless to say, I saved $1 by going through the idiots and I ended up fixing up their mess up anyways this morning. Oh and I rang their complaints department about them, I was meant to get a phone call from the area manager....Im still waiting nearly 48hours later...lets just say a nasty letter will be sent off shortly to head office. 

Okay got that shiz off my chest....for now. Poor Playground Ninja got it all last night via chat! Patience in this ninja, has been taught I think she may of got a giggle from my rant!

Yesterday I finally said to PT Ninja, okay lets do this! First session is tomorrow. I have a feeling I may struggle to walk and lift anything on Friday. If you see some chick walking in Adelaide, looking like a cripple, dont panic, its only me! Yesterday, I get a text just before lunch. Give me 10 Pushups. Okay, not to disappoint, there I am, in my little desk area, doing my 10 pushups...looking like a right fool coz Im in a skirt! Yeah Im a lady like that! Thank god no one saw me, although Id dare say they would just laugh and get down next to me. Good thing about my team, my boss is super athletic - does tri's etc and my admin support, is a les mills instructor and marathoner. Yeh no mess up for this little black duck, they keep me in line but we keep in real! 

In the afternoon, I had to down a glass of water but I was already home by the time that sucker came through, so downing that when home was easy, it was fricken HOT OUT! Dont have to ask me twice. 

WWW was here again today, 300g down. Ill take it considering my exercise has been non-existent and my eating has been okay-ish but not brill. Maybe it was all that crawling towards the light that helped....

Today has been busy at work but I made the vow I would run after work because it was definitely cool enough now to do so. So once home, I got changed, put my sneaks on and out the door I went. Got to the round about a cool 2 mins faster than last time (so down from 16mins to 11mins so far!) and as I ran back towards the lake, hip started to get niggly! Dammit. I kept going to the lake and decided that everytime I saw one of these bad boys, I would do something on them and between each of them, I power walked, and had to decide what to do next!

So my exercise tonight went a little like this:

20min run

1st Bench = 12 x 2 sets of dips
2nd Bench = 15 Step ups each leg (30 total)
3rd Bench = 12 x 2 sets of push ups
4th Bench = 60 Mountain Climbers
5th Bench = 15 Step ups each leg (30 in total)
6th Bench = 12 x dips 12 x pushups x 2 sets (in between pat a passing dog who was adorable)
7th Bench = 60 mountain climbers

20 min walk home 

That adhoc exercise earned me 468 calories! BOOM and she is back in the game!!! 

So whats new with you my magoos? Have you ever made up an exercise plan on the spot?

PS I know your out there, my stats tell me people are reading so SPEAK UP NINJAS!! Comment and tell me how things are going! I promise not to bite...hard :P

Monday 11 March 2013

The only acceptance you need is your own!

These past few weeks has been a real mental sport of sorts for me. I have had to battle through many different mind fields and clearly, I have been rather silent on my blog because of it. I "think" Im finally coming out of the other side of it, this week will only tell.but the one thing that I have realised is that I dont need the acceptance of those around me, I dont need people to tell me how awesome I am, nor do I need acknowledgement from those in the know. I need and have come to learn that the only acceptance I really need, is my own.

These last couple of weeks has also shown me that I really do have an awesome support network but it also has really has shown the true colours of others. But than it had me asking myself about whether, if that support was no longer there, am I strong enough to carry on without it? I think upon reflection of what life has presented to me, I have my answer. Back when I was just entering the adult world, I was forced to do it alone and when I look at than and now, I know I am definitely stronger, smarter and very independent. I really can see now that what I have been through is a journey and that I really have come out the other side a better person, with no kudos to anyone but myself.

I am of the belief also that with what I have been through, the obstacles I have been through, I have come out on top but I refuse to be someone to bring someone else down who is making the journey themselves. I am humble in what I have achieved and am more than happy to help, promote and bring people up for themselves and not for self gain. Im not about self gain. I have accepted me, I dont need someone to make me feel awesome about myself.

For those who are currently going through a journey of any sort,  and Im not just talking weight loss journey, there will always people who will believe they are better and will attempt to bring you down. Remember, their motives behind it is because of jealousy and because they clearly arent there themselves. But remember, those that are humble, have self acceptance, will be the ones who will cheer you on and its not for self motivation. Remember you are you because of you at the end of the day. Not because of them, they do not define you, if anything they make you stronger.

PS Ill try and be a bit more upbeat in my next post! Things have been a tad to serious of late! I hope you are all well and are going strong in your travels!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Why I've been quiet...

So if your a regular reader, you have probably noticed Ive been a tad quiet on here. Hard to believe I know but I have had a heap of personal things going on which has even seen me, at night, not even sitting in front of my laptop or even touching it. Anyone who knows me, knows that this is extreme. I had to disconnect myself from all technology at night because honestly, I just didnt have the emotional power to be social or even THINK. Which in its own right is scary, I started Uni this week (which Im still trying to get my head around).

From my last post, you probably gathered something rather big had happened and lucky for us, it didnt have a bad outcome, well besides the fact that it caused mass ripples through the family and threw all of us for a six. Due to privacy, I wont go into it but please know that if you are feeling like your in a dark well, alone, your not and that even though it doesnt feel like it, your actions will affect those around you as well as yourself. There is so much help out there, I cannot stress it enough. I personally have been in that black hole in the past and due to my fighter nature, I did manage to pull myself out of it by using this help! There is no shame in admitting you need help. You are stronger than you think! 

Sooo last week was definitely not my finest! I literally did not do any exercise, I admit it. I suffered badly from migraines all week, the weekend just gone, I pretty much slept where I could besides when I spent the morning at Project Reno ripping up carpet and trying very hard not to vomit coz my head was trying to work out where it could split in half. I know it was stress and yes i know exercise is an excellent help for trying to combat stress, but with my lack of sleep, I seriously was concerned I may hurt myself. Some may read that as an excuse but I know Im the biggest klutz out when Im wide awake and bushy tailed. Add the lack of sleep factor to the mix and a throbbing head, I knew my concentration aint gonna be what it should. 

Food has been ho hum. I havent followed the plan. I have tried to limit my calorie intake so hopefully the scales arent a bitch tomorrow. 

I did however go for a run last night, shaved two mins off my normal time which I was pretty happy about. Normally takes me roughly 15mins to get to a roundabout in concrete jungle where I turn around and come back, yesterday I got to the roundabout in 13mins. I kept running to the shops coz we needed milk and than walked all the way home with milk and a few groceries in tow. Normally I would hop in the car but yesterday, even though was rather muggy, was actually pleasant and Im glad I did it. I burn 540 calories. 

Than I didnt sleep again last night, had a migraine and felt like - wow Im back to square one. I decided today I needed to take the day off from work, which is something I really hate doing. My sick leave balance shows Im not a person who takes many of them, but I literally struggled to hold myself up under the water in the shower, so figured, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. I slept from 6am to 1pm without much interruption and woke up a lot fresher and wider awake than I have in the past week. Tonight I will do the plan set or a DVD. Its time to wake up on the wagon, stretch and get it happening. This body aint gonna get itself into a bikini in 45 days. 

Operation "kick my own arse" has commenced.

Hows your week been?