Wednesday 13 March 2013

BOOM and she is back in the game....

SO these last few days, decisions have been made, things have been organised and even though I am busy as a bumble bee in spring, I finally think I see the light (just when I started to panic and thought for a bit that due to budget cuts, some idiot had switched it off to save a few bucks!). After my overwhelming panic and OM Lorna what have a done moments over Uni, Ive decided to stick it out and complete this subject. I worked out a few things with my tablet so I can still access stuff when overseas (which I couldnt to begin with, frustration was high at that stage. Get this though, the uni has an ipad app! NO ANDROID APP!!). Anyways, I was than told by hubby ninja, oh I was gonna take your laptop anyways (he is currently without one, cant decide what he wants! Men!).

Speaking of holiday - now normally I wouldnt bag a business on here unless they deserve it, these idiots in my opinion deserve it. Whatever you do, dont book anything through Escape Travel at Grenfell street - customer service is fantastic (although I did experience some attitude, but I was so excited, I didnt care!) til they have your money and than they have attitude worse than a teenage girl pmsing. Seriously nearly ripped some try hard a new one coz of his attitude. Needless to say, I saved $1 by going through the idiots and I ended up fixing up their mess up anyways this morning. Oh and I rang their complaints department about them, I was meant to get a phone call from the area manager....Im still waiting nearly 48hours later...lets just say a nasty letter will be sent off shortly to head office. 

Okay got that shiz off my chest....for now. Poor Playground Ninja got it all last night via chat! Patience in this ninja, has been taught I think she may of got a giggle from my rant!

Yesterday I finally said to PT Ninja, okay lets do this! First session is tomorrow. I have a feeling I may struggle to walk and lift anything on Friday. If you see some chick walking in Adelaide, looking like a cripple, dont panic, its only me! Yesterday, I get a text just before lunch. Give me 10 Pushups. Okay, not to disappoint, there I am, in my little desk area, doing my 10 pushups...looking like a right fool coz Im in a skirt! Yeah Im a lady like that! Thank god no one saw me, although Id dare say they would just laugh and get down next to me. Good thing about my team, my boss is super athletic - does tri's etc and my admin support, is a les mills instructor and marathoner. Yeh no mess up for this little black duck, they keep me in line but we keep in real! 

In the afternoon, I had to down a glass of water but I was already home by the time that sucker came through, so downing that when home was easy, it was fricken HOT OUT! Dont have to ask me twice. 

WWW was here again today, 300g down. Ill take it considering my exercise has been non-existent and my eating has been okay-ish but not brill. Maybe it was all that crawling towards the light that helped....

Today has been busy at work but I made the vow I would run after work because it was definitely cool enough now to do so. So once home, I got changed, put my sneaks on and out the door I went. Got to the round about a cool 2 mins faster than last time (so down from 16mins to 11mins so far!) and as I ran back towards the lake, hip started to get niggly! Dammit. I kept going to the lake and decided that everytime I saw one of these bad boys, I would do something on them and between each of them, I power walked, and had to decide what to do next!

So my exercise tonight went a little like this:

20min run

1st Bench = 12 x 2 sets of dips
2nd Bench = 15 Step ups each leg (30 total)
3rd Bench = 12 x 2 sets of push ups
4th Bench = 60 Mountain Climbers
5th Bench = 15 Step ups each leg (30 in total)
6th Bench = 12 x dips 12 x pushups x 2 sets (in between pat a passing dog who was adorable)
7th Bench = 60 mountain climbers

20 min walk home 

That adhoc exercise earned me 468 calories! BOOM and she is back in the game!!! 

So whats new with you my magoos? Have you ever made up an exercise plan on the spot?

PS I know your out there, my stats tell me people are reading so SPEAK UP NINJAS!! Comment and tell me how things are going! I promise not to bite...hard :P


  1. Yay!!! So glad you have found your mojo again, :)

  2. Thanks hunny, Im glad I found it to! Was a bit worried there for a bit myself! haha
