Friday 15 March 2013

Lets make this world awesome!

Howdy ninjas! How are we doing today?

As predicted, Im walking like a 90 year old John Wayne. Sitting for long periods of time = loads of pain when I do move. I have muscles in my arse that I didnt even know existed, and I was pretty sure I though I had felt them all before now. If you havent been following, yesterday was my first PT in a while with PT ninja. Things were intense, I did things I didnt think I was capable of but no, I still dont love running up and down hills still...which is exactly what I was made to do yesterday, along with Jesus's near statue Mary in the part and some odd looking pushup which made it look like I was getting groovy with the grass. Did I have fun?? HELL YES. 633 calories burnt and I had the shakes. It was wicked!

Last night I did some study and the topic was Team Function. Now Ive been working a long while now and Ive been a manager, so team function is not foreign to me at all however one of the things we had to do was watch this youtube clip, which personally touched me and inspired me. The YouTube video is called "A Pep Talk from Kid President to You". Now you may of seen it, clearly Ive been living under a rock before now. Kid President is the nickname for a kid called Robbie Novak who was born with a condition called "Osteogenesis Inperfecta" aka "Brittle Bones Syndrome". Whats this you say - well the crux of it is that the condition causes extremely fragile bones and this means that the persons bones can easily fracture. Robbie bones fracture quite easily and instead of being down and out about it, this kid is truely AMAZING. His attitude, spirit and enthusiasm is truly inspirational. The questions he asks really got me thinking about this.

Watch it and tell me what YOU think:

So tell me, what would you create to make the world awesome? I know from watching this, I now know I want to definitely help share my passion for health, fitness and educate people to help educate themselves. We live in a world FULL of information and yet so many people are still uneducated about these topics and the expanding waist lines of so many people and children is evident enough of that! 

Told you he was infectious! I think I might dance now! 

During my PT yesterday, we were discussing the new Biggest Loser Australia, due to start on Sunday. Personally I cant wait to see the trainers sink their teeth into the contestants but FINALLY after many years of people harping about being overweight and children being overweight, the TABOO subject is finally a hot topic and so far its been hotter than ever. Its a very heated debate, its ruffling feathers EVERYWHERE but is that really a bad thing? Its definitely a topic Im rather passionate about (read here for my last post on it).  The fact BL is taking this on head on, on Aussie TV, makes me super proud! Its time it was no longer taboo, its time to face facts and its time to help those help themselves. Its time FOR NO MORE EXCUSES!

Lets make this world AWESOME!

Plus who doesnt like to look at the trainers. Theres a bit of eye candy for everyone :P

OMG I NEARLY FORGOT!!! MY BIKE HAS FINALLY ARRIVED AT THE STORE!!! I hopefully can go pick up next week (after its put together etc) Im so excited!


  1. Great to see you back baby! I'm with you on the inspire thing. I've had 6 friends sign up this round and start to make a real difference to themselves thanks to my talking! I'm also taking people new to Mt Lofty up and down regularly.
    Think you on a hockey pitch might be the next step! Have already convinced another friend who has no hockey experience.

    1. You are inspirational babe, good work helping to inspire people, you inspire me every day!

      As for the hockey, patience my grasshopper. Need to get to Project Reno and than we can talk! I cant promise I wont smack an idiot over the head with the hockey stick!
