Tuesday 5 March 2013

Why I've been quiet...

So if your a regular reader, you have probably noticed Ive been a tad quiet on here. Hard to believe I know but I have had a heap of personal things going on which has even seen me, at night, not even sitting in front of my laptop or even touching it. Anyone who knows me, knows that this is extreme. I had to disconnect myself from all technology at night because honestly, I just didnt have the emotional power to be social or even THINK. Which in its own right is scary, I started Uni this week (which Im still trying to get my head around).

From my last post, you probably gathered something rather big had happened and lucky for us, it didnt have a bad outcome, well besides the fact that it caused mass ripples through the family and threw all of us for a six. Due to privacy, I wont go into it but please know that if you are feeling like your in a dark well, alone, your not and that even though it doesnt feel like it, your actions will affect those around you as well as yourself. There is so much help out there, I cannot stress it enough. I personally have been in that black hole in the past and due to my fighter nature, I did manage to pull myself out of it by using this help! There is no shame in admitting you need help. You are stronger than you think! 

Sooo last week was definitely not my finest! I literally did not do any exercise, I admit it. I suffered badly from migraines all week, the weekend just gone, I pretty much slept where I could besides when I spent the morning at Project Reno ripping up carpet and trying very hard not to vomit coz my head was trying to work out where it could split in half. I know it was stress and yes i know exercise is an excellent help for trying to combat stress, but with my lack of sleep, I seriously was concerned I may hurt myself. Some may read that as an excuse but I know Im the biggest klutz out when Im wide awake and bushy tailed. Add the lack of sleep factor to the mix and a throbbing head, I knew my concentration aint gonna be what it should. 

Food has been ho hum. I havent followed the plan. I have tried to limit my calorie intake so hopefully the scales arent a bitch tomorrow. 

I did however go for a run last night, shaved two mins off my normal time which I was pretty happy about. Normally takes me roughly 15mins to get to a roundabout in concrete jungle where I turn around and come back, yesterday I got to the roundabout in 13mins. I kept running to the shops coz we needed milk and than walked all the way home with milk and a few groceries in tow. Normally I would hop in the car but yesterday, even though was rather muggy, was actually pleasant and Im glad I did it. I burn 540 calories. 

Than I didnt sleep again last night, had a migraine and felt like - wow Im back to square one. I decided today I needed to take the day off from work, which is something I really hate doing. My sick leave balance shows Im not a person who takes many of them, but I literally struggled to hold myself up under the water in the shower, so figured, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. I slept from 6am to 1pm without much interruption and woke up a lot fresher and wider awake than I have in the past week. Tonight I will do the plan set or a DVD. Its time to wake up on the wagon, stretch and get it happening. This body aint gonna get itself into a bikini in 45 days. 

Operation "kick my own arse" has commenced.

Hows your week been?

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