Monday 11 March 2013

The only acceptance you need is your own!

These past few weeks has been a real mental sport of sorts for me. I have had to battle through many different mind fields and clearly, I have been rather silent on my blog because of it. I "think" Im finally coming out of the other side of it, this week will only tell.but the one thing that I have realised is that I dont need the acceptance of those around me, I dont need people to tell me how awesome I am, nor do I need acknowledgement from those in the know. I need and have come to learn that the only acceptance I really need, is my own.

These last couple of weeks has also shown me that I really do have an awesome support network but it also has really has shown the true colours of others. But than it had me asking myself about whether, if that support was no longer there, am I strong enough to carry on without it? I think upon reflection of what life has presented to me, I have my answer. Back when I was just entering the adult world, I was forced to do it alone and when I look at than and now, I know I am definitely stronger, smarter and very independent. I really can see now that what I have been through is a journey and that I really have come out the other side a better person, with no kudos to anyone but myself.

I am of the belief also that with what I have been through, the obstacles I have been through, I have come out on top but I refuse to be someone to bring someone else down who is making the journey themselves. I am humble in what I have achieved and am more than happy to help, promote and bring people up for themselves and not for self gain. Im not about self gain. I have accepted me, I dont need someone to make me feel awesome about myself.

For those who are currently going through a journey of any sort,  and Im not just talking weight loss journey, there will always people who will believe they are better and will attempt to bring you down. Remember, their motives behind it is because of jealousy and because they clearly arent there themselves. But remember, those that are humble, have self acceptance, will be the ones who will cheer you on and its not for self motivation. Remember you are you because of you at the end of the day. Not because of them, they do not define you, if anything they make you stronger.

PS Ill try and be a bit more upbeat in my next post! Things have been a tad to serious of late! I hope you are all well and are going strong in your travels!

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