Friday 19 July 2013

Crazy weather and clothing kilos!

Morning Ninjas! How is everyone this fine, cold, windy morning!? I personally, gained about 5kg - in clothing. Today I am very grateful for my extensive Lorna collection and grateful its Friday Casual Day at work or AKA Lorna wearing day for me!

Todays attire is testing how many layers of Lorna I can wear. Im wearing Amy Tights underneath my flashies, purple tank, black long sleeve with a pink hoodie over it all, grey scarf (not lorna, need to fix that I think haha) and over all of that, my big black jacket which keeps the wind and rain off me (my absolute favourite this time of year as the hood is HUGE and keeps the rain off me!). Its at this time of year that I realise how much "insulation" I had in previous years and that instead of fat, I now have "clothing kilos". At least its easy to lose weight right!? Take a layer off. LOL. Easiest weight loss to date :)

Elevator selfie :)
For my readers who are not in Adelaide, well it was a wild, woolie, rainy night in our little state. Little ole SA received a bashing from Mother Nature and Adelaide Hills copped it! At one stage yesterday afternoon at work, I thought I may not have had any power due to it. Some would go - eh whats the issue? Use candles. You would be correct and Im well prepared, however my whole house requires it. No power = no water at all, as unlike you city folk who have mains, we are on tank with a pump! Which also means no loo.... I may of definitely been "roughing it!". Hubby Ninja has been insisting (and failing) I try camping...he may of got his wish last night! 

SA Power Networks website were advising that power was lost at 1.05pm yesterday and may not be back on to 11:15pm!! Needless to say, because of their awesomeness, my power was restored at 5:15pm. I say that they definitely earned their wage over the past 24 hours and my beanie goes off to them as well as the SES and the CFS volunteers! Amazing work by amazing people! Keep rocking!

Project Reno proved to me also, that even though on stilts, surrounded by many trees etc and needing extensive renovation work, that she is as strong as ever! YOU GO GIRL! Love my house! I was unable to get a picture before I left this morning of the destruction in the yard because it was pitch black when I left, however as an indication, we had to move a number of branches (large ones) before we could reverse the ute out from under the house! Only upside is there will be plenty of kindling around for the woodfire for me to collect and I got an upper workout in before 6:30am!

So toasty!

So TGIF - what have you got planned for the weekend?

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