Saturday 20 July 2013

Two year old tantrums...

Today has been one of those days where going to bed and pulling the doona up high occurred. It was a day where it didnt matter what I did, I wanted to throw a two year old tantrum.

For those who dont know, its beyond cold in Adelaide right now. Winter has reared its ugly head. I like the cold normally. Today I was angry at it. Its particularly freezing in the Adelaide Hills. We have had crazy winds, rain, hail and if you live near Mt Lofty, it snowed.  Yes, that cold. 

I honestly didnt wake up in a bad mood, I got out of the right side of the bed, I promise. However the mood went downhill when I went to go out this morning to run a few errands, namely get milk and pick up my magnetic trainer for my bike, which I was super excited about and have been waiting to come into the local bike store. They close at 12pm and MIL was due to arrive around 11am for a cuppa. It was 9:45am. I was wearing multiple Lorna layers and my beanie. I was frozen. I think my internal thermostat is broken. 

As it was so wet and windy, the Ute scares me to drive when it is like this so I thought Id take the Liberty (its a safer, all wheel drive car). However, as we had the cars parked under the house to protect from the weather, I had to reverse the Ute out to than get the Liberty out. No big deal you say. Not normally. 

Thanks to the magnitude of rain which Im sure excites older men as their rain gauges would have overflowed, the ground is particularly soggy. Actually soggy is an understatement. Its like you could get a jet ski out and have a fricken ball in the paddocks. Seriously, who needs the beach! 

I reversed the Ute out no issues, it was as I went to take it up to the second driveway that my good mood started to slip away rapidly. I got stuck in the mud. It was not pretty. No moving forward at all and backwards saw me hit the pine tree (thank god the metal tray is like a rock). I was spinning deeper and deeper. I cursed, called for hubby ninja to help to no avail. I had well and truly got the bastard stuck. In our own driveway. I award myself my own dickhead award. 

If it couldnt get worse, that is when it decided to HAIL. 

Thank god MIL was coming, I called her and asked her to bring the 4x4. We needed help. She came to the rescue. Bless her cotton socks. 

So needless to say errands werent run, my trainer is still at the bike store and Im still cold. 

The mood didnt end there. 

After MIL rescued us and left for home, I made us some lunch. I than burnt my tongue making noodles for hubby ninja. Shit just was not working for me today. Everything I was doing ended up in hurting myself. I stubbed my cold feet, I walked into a door frame, my hands hurt coz i was so cold. A two year old tantrum was about to occur. I was folding washing in the bedroom and I may of thrown some folded socks at the wall. Hubby Ninja suggested I needed to go back to bed for a bit. I didnt argue. I turned the electric blanket on high, crawled into the bed, pulled the doona over my head and I shivered. I must of got warmish at some stage and fell asleep for a nanna nap. I woke up in a better mood.

Hows your Saturday been?

Hope your staying warmer than me!

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