Thursday 25 July 2013

It never just rains....IT POURS!!

So project reno could quite easily be dubbed project soggy. The rain we had, which assisted me on Saturday, in getting the ute stuck in the mud, is still struggling to sink into the ground or find somewhere to run. As our driveways are gravel, getting the cars out has been a delicate task since. Im glad its sitting away from the house mind you but its still so very very soggy! We have had two days of sun so far thankfully, because there was a concern the solar panels wouldn't get installed, but mother nature played fair and we now have the suckers on the roof.

Generate my pretties!!
The week has been a little eventful. After not being about to get the bike shop to get my bike trainer, I managed to get there after work on Monday. I was so excited to get it home. As soon as tea was cooked, I sat down to have a play and set it up and realised...holy crap, I have no idea what Im doing! What the hell is this skewer thing?! I need to WHAT with my back tire?! (here i was thinking if I take the back skewer out on my bike, the gears and chain will fall out and than Id be screwed putting it back together!). Thank Lorna for google and youtube. I took a deep breath and researched it (even down to actually how my gears work because I cant seem to get those suckers right!). By the time Id finished, it was time to go to bed, so I thought, "its okay, Ill play tomorrow night".... 

Christmas in July for MEEEE!
So into bed I went, electric blanket on and rugged up (it was really really cold)...Wake up in morning, I can hardly move. It felt muscular but odd. Its in my lower left back and hip...same leg I have the lovely bursitis. This didnt really feel like a normal flare. Ive been flare free for 2 weeks, so I was like noooo.... I go to stand and STABBING pain straight into my arse and down back of my leg...pinched nerve....JERK. Ive obviously slept funny trying to stay warm, its the only explanation I have. 

Needless to say, any sort of movement = me in extreme discomfort. 

I than get jealous of Barbie. That bitch has everything, including detachable limbs. I WANT DETACHABLE LIMBS **Stamps foot like 2 year old**

Tuesday = no playing with new toy. 

Im not happy jan. 

Wednesday my bike computer arrived. I was excited and than like salt in a wound. I go all saddy pants as still cant play with my bike plus there was the promise of pump with one of my ninjas. I contemplated bailing on Shooter Ninja but thought, No Sensai, Shooter Ninja has a injury with her knee and she is toughing it out, you can tough it to! So off I hobbled. 

So pretty in pink!

Pump was entertaining. Between the two of us, I think we managed to do a number of funny faces. We both were doing the light weights and both feeling rather pissed at the world however still managed to laugh at ourselves. If you cant laugh, you would cry and it just aint worth the tears!

So today has been one again of trying to find a comfy possie in my chair at work. Im glad the girls at work know Im strange :P I did manage to hobble to Lorna Jane today, it was a must! Flashies were $45!! BARGAIN! and I had to have the top named after me! Well I can believe it was anyways :P 

It may not be pink, but its still awesome!

So thats it from me for today! Sorry its a boring post!

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