Friday 26 July 2013

How bout you thank...YOURSELF!

Ill try and keep this short (bahaha who am I kidding!) but these last few days I have noticed a few different things (besides the fact I really do need more coffee and my hip is a bitch). 

One of these things is - people thanking others for giving them back their mojo, life etc back.

I can see your scratching your noggin. Like what the hell is this bloody woman on about now?

Well simply this, Ill give you an example. 

Recently a fellow 12wbt was having a few mojo issues due to an injury. I spoke to said fellow 12wbt, an absolute rockstar of a woman may I add, how I would talk to anyone. Now I am not expert, I know this however I gave some helpful advice, some modifications to try (which Ive only implored myself thanks to my own injury) and some normal helpful encouragement (which to me is just normal for me, I like to keep shit upbeat). I am a giving type of person (unless you have pissed me off or generally are a selfish mofo, than I have no time for you). I go out of my way to help people who need a little bit of a gentle push (sometimes a shove, depending on how much I love you) to get them going or keep moving forward. Sometimes I am brutally honest, Ill tell you how it is, IF I know you can handle it. I do have some tact contrary to some peoples belief of me (unless its here and I am talking to the wider public, than I take on the whole, "dont like it, dont read it" attitude - its my blog, my opinion, take or leave it but dont bitch to me coz your offended....) Anyways I digress. 

Said person over the last few days has literally KILLED IT! Amazing effort for just an amazing woman recovering from surgery/injury! 

Her words and I quote "Thanks again for all your help and support and also for getting back into writing your blog!! xx " which I responded saying "your very welcome but I dont consider it helping, thats just me!"

Her response to that: "Well, being just you is awesome! I thank you for re-motivating me to get back on the wagon. No more eating dirt for me cause I've been dragged under it! I owe you a coffee! I'll shout you one at finale! xx"

Now Im not going to knock the coffee (its a magic word for me, some call it an addiction, I call it heaven) and the thanks made me smile because I was able to help someone, but than I pondered. At what point do you actually thank yourself?! Your the one that did the work, your the one slogging it out to reach your goals. All I did was be your cheer squad!

Another example:

Reading twitter on the bus to work this morning and read a re-tweet from Mish. Another 12wbt fellow (as I have seem many many others do) thanked her for giving them their life back. Now correct me if Im wrong, as much as Mish is happy to have helped someone with her program and gives her a smile doing so (she is amazing after all), the person(s) should stop and really thank themselves. She may of given them the tools to change their lives but ultimately, they gave themselves their life back, not her. They put in the hard work, sweat and tears.  They got active, cleaned up their diet and are making a real effort in having a healthy and fit lifestyle. I dont remember seeing Mish (or anyone for that matter) run for you, cook for you (if so, dammit I missed that one!) and your body going OH RIGHT, now I lose the weight. 

All Mish did was give you the tools, her team helped cheer your on as did your "12wbt family" and dammit, you did it for yourself. Regardless of whether you lose 1kg or 50+kg - YOU DID THIS YOURSELF! Your amazing body DID THIS, your body continues to do this, so remember to thank yourself! Know you are awesome, regardless of the number on the scale because at the end of the day, your ticker and your body are thanking YOU for the awesome effort you have put in. You only have you to thank! YOUR A ROCKSTAR!

 Now I get its human nature to Thank others but please, when your having a not so good day (which trust me, we all have, we are only bloody human) - I want you to look in the mirror and not pick at your flaws, I want you to look in that damn mirror and say - WOW Im bloody amazing - Thank you for YOURSELF!

Rant over - so much for keeping it short Sensai! Oh well - HAPPY FRIDAY NINJAS!

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