Thursday 28 February 2013

You are not alone...

Unfortunately the last 48 hours have not been fun ones for us and thus I havent been around. I wont go into details here, as I dont believe its necessary (thankfully it was not a sad ending) however I need to stress awareness about depression and the fact that there is indeed a wealth of help out there. If you believe you are or know someone who is suffering from depression, anxiety etc, know that your not alone. Please know your better here with us and that depression may seem like a very dark tunnel and you cant see the light, but I promise you, there is indeed a light at the end of it all and you will come out a stronger person for it. Think of yourself as the caterpillar and you are going to turn into that beautiful butterfly, you have just got your wings and you just need to try. 

I know through some of my struggles in the past, BeyondBlue was in its early days but was and is always a brilliant source of information. Please please please, I cannot stress it enough, if you need help, please ask and if you dont like the opinion of one doctor, go to another! We live in a country where help is available on every corner and the government does have mental health care plans available with councilling available at no or reduced cost. If you believe you need that help and your doctor doesnt mention it in, mention it yourself! Its available! There are no excuses in this day and age, you just need to have willpower and that tiny itsy witsy bit of willingness to try. People do care and people do understand. Everyone situation is different but there is always someone who has been similar and can relate. YOUR NOT ALONE. 

If you do want more information, as I mentioned above, BeyondBlue is a fantastic website full of information, tips and numbers.

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