Wednesday 13 February 2013

DONT PANIC!!! Im Alive!!!

Before you all freak out and think I have gone missing and start putting my face on milk cartons (which would be kinda cool, maybe I should go quiet....bahahaha who the hell am I kidding!!??) I am ALIVE and WELL (besides the massive burn mark on my neck, more on that later) just extremely busy that Im struggling to find time to scratch my own arse....

Its been go-go-go since getting back from Brisbane. I signed up for Round 1 at the airport (wohoo) but still am in the process of trying to do preseason tasks, my fitness test (to be done Friday with PT Army Ninja), photo will be done tonight. The only thing I have done is my weight (ekk 76kg - Thanks Brisbane for that sucker of a kilo, it was worth it though!!) and my measurements have been done. 

With regards to the Brisbane trip, that story is coming...I promise! We had a BALL!! I had a BALL!! Short sheets and scatters and all! It was brilliant. I bought Lorna...lots of Lorna...

Why so busy? We got the keys for Project Reno on Monday. I got back from Brisbane on Sunday night quite late and back to work Tuesday with every night so far being spent at Project Reno. Lets just say, there is a LOT of work to be done but its quite livable. The only thing I did ask Hubby Ninja and Lorax Ninja to do, was remove this hideous fridge cupboard in the kitchen, as it was blocking the view to the lounge area.

 Enter the brady bunch theme song....

Please take note of how the kitchen is currently. I left the boys alone at it for a few hours and it looks NOTHING like this now... We go back tonight for them to hopefully finish it, or at least get the bones back together. The reason for the move around...well  because they are men and they can...but it wasnt functional. I dunno how people liked kitchens way back in the day, but it doesnt flow...unless you like to flow into cupboards and I do this well enough without needing cupboards in the way (I walk into door frames! I swear they move!). Once its finish, Ill post a piccy!

Other than this and work, I really havent had time to do much else. Its all a bit hectic at the moment but hopefully after we move this weekend, things will start to ease up and I can get back into the flow of things, plan etc. Right now Im living on the fly. I cant say I enjoy this ADHOC stuff either but I keep reminding myself that its only temporary!!

Oh heres my neck btw - did this lovely burn Saturday night with my conical wand when doing my hair for finale...note to self, just pay someone to do my hair for me!

 This sucker got me my 100th D-Head comment!

Yes it hurts and yes I feel like a moron! whats new! Its not something I can hide either. Its a good size burn! 

I hope you are all well and enjoying week 1 (if your new to this round, dont worry, that headache will pass I promise, its not worth caving for!!). 

Tell me, whats your accomplishment this week so far!? What are you proud of? (Im proud you signed up and joined us!)

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