Monday 4 February 2013

Killing caterpillars...

Before you all freak out, I didnt go out into the garden and go all rampage on some innocent caterpillars. Remember, I still live in the concrete jungle when the best plant you will see is a weed...growing bravely from between the concrete pavers...You think Im joking...Sadly Im not... Its worse...

Anyways back to the original story.

We are drawing closer to a huge party on Saturday night. Its okay peeps, I know about this huge party being held in honour of my birthday...I realise there will be loads of people I dont know but hey I love you all for thinking of me! haha!

I fly out of RADelaide on Thursday night with Ms Mother Hen Ninja but between now and than, Im getting myself all ready for the glammed up 12wbt finale (aka my birthday party! :P). There are nails to be done, tanning to be done and some waxing to be done BEFORE the tanning...ekk!  As a woman, it is never an easy task to ensure we look awesome. The serious amount of preening and fluffing we go through for a big event, its crazy, however we all wanna look the hottest we ever have and we go all out! The only thing I personally can say I dont enjoy or look forward to is the waxing. If you like waxing, I assume you have 50 shades of Grey under ya pillow...Kudos to you seriously, me personally, Im a WIMP. With all capital letters!! I hate all sorts of pain. Hitting my not so funny bone makes me want to cry. See. WIMP!

The plan originally was to get a professional to do it prior to my tan tomorrow night, but as many can attest, time seems to have a funny knack of disappearing when your at work, trying busily to get through the mountains of paper work on your desk. 

So tonight I thought, you know what, Im just gonna do it myself, it cant be that hard or bad surely...right?! right!?

So off I went and I got myself this sucker from Woolies (probably a mistake but I have used it once before, many blue moons ago)...

and followed the instructions. I figured I had a better chance of keeping my real eyebrows if I did this. I also bought this one because no heating was required, the last thing I needed was second degree burns on my face for Saturday night. Not a hot look (well my skin would be!)

Seriously, as I said above, Im a wimp. For five minutes, I seriously had to psych myself up to rip the strip off my face. Its so much easier getting someone else to inflict the pain. However I had Mother Hen Ninja telling me to suck it up and HTFU Princess (she is right, she always is!) and I did it! With a few tears in my eyes, I got rid of those sucker caterpillar eyebrows and Im back looking like a human! I got to a point however where I was no longer brave with the wax and I used the tweezers with what I had left! Have I mentioned I dont like pain. 

Plucking eyebrows is sheer torture. I reckon it ranks up there with water torture! Oh lorna, have mercy, I was glad when I was done. I figured if it looked off, Mother Hen Ninja will fix me up with the tweezers in Brissie. Love this woman! Always making sure I dont look like a right idiot (the poor woman seriously has her work cut out for her!!)

Here is one of the finished products - not to bad I thought for a non-professional!

Wohoo I still have eyebrows!

Would I do it again?? Hell to the no, I am paying a professional to do it but i guess if I get desperate again, I always have it here. 

Do you wax your own eyebrows or get a professional to do it?


  1. My nail lady also does waxing and I get everything waxed. Every second appointment we add waxing to the list. So much easier.
    - Jade :)

  2. I totally need to organise to have it done every 6 weeks but meh, I do it when I gotta! Im lucky that most of the hair on my face is fairly light so can get away with it until I have to go out :)
