Friday 1 February 2013

Closing of one chapter, open into another...

Over the next few weeks, Im about to close off one chapter and enter a whole other chapter in my life. Round 4 of 12wbt will come to an end next week (party in Brisbane baby and my birthday weekend!! WOHOO), Round 1 will start (which after some thoughts I will most likely do) and I move house...again...hopefully for the last time in my life, unless its in a pine box. Moving house means Project Reno will likely begin but moving to Project Reno means I can finally start this next chapter properly. Oh and I also start uni! 

The last 3-4 months for me, I kinda have felt like I have been in limbo. Ive gone from having the comforts of my routine, to having really no routine and even though I have planned my exercise, its just not the same. I feel like in round 4, I lost my way because I didnt have my normal routine. I feel like that baby learning to walk for the first time, unsure of where that next step will take me (hell who am I kidding, my next step is generally face first into the ground, accident prone over here people!)

I have gone from having my familiar gym, my group pt girls, my personal nothing. Signing up for any gym membership whilst living in concrete jungle just simply was not an option. They all want you to sign up on contract and than it was the concern, Id get comfortable again and when I had to move, the proverbial rug would be yanked out from underneath me again, leaving me back in limbo. 

Ive tried to be consistent, Ive definitely lost cms, but this round for me, just simply put, hasnt been my round. Am I disappointed in myself? Maybe a little but Im not going to dwell on it. I plan to grow from it. From this last closing chapter, I have learnt:

  • Ive learnt that I can do DVDs at home on my own, so on the days at Project Reno, I dont feel like driving to the gym (if i find a local I like), I know I can throw a DVD in and burn roughly 400calories on my own. 
  • Ive learnt however I do miss having a personal trainer, so in this next chapter of Round 1, I will endeavour to have a training session once a week again with Army Ninja.
  • Ive learnt that the number on the scale is not really a clear indication of what your body is made up of and that by using other technology, you can gain a clearer, more realistic picture (DEXA scan). Now dont get me wrong, this does not mean I dont care about the number on the scale, trust me I do (i still have my weekly hang ups about it, ask my scales!!) but I know now that I really dont have heaps of "fat" to lose and that if I lean up further, this in time will go. 
  • Ive learnt I really do not like metro and cannot wait to move back to the country.
  • Ive learnt I am definately mentally stronger than I thought I was previously and as long as I plan, I can stay on track. Its not planning which plans to fail me!
  • Ive learnt that I do make a difference to other people and that people do appreciate me for who I am and what I have to say. I was told tonight by a dear friend that I would be proud of her because she has been exercising more and has started to try and jog. I AM BEYOND SUPER PROUD of her that she is doing this and trying to make a change in her health and fitness and I was super stoked she knows I believe in her! 
  • Ive learnt that my 12wbt SA Crew family are truely an amazing bunch of people. I have made some very special friendships through this program which are lifelong ones. Ive learnt also that people even though they dont say much online, doesnt mean they dont notice you! At our lofty walk, I meet many new faces and had them come up and say hey Im xyz to which Id respond with, Hi Im xyz and they excitably go "OMG Its You!" - words cannot describe how this makes me feel!
This next chapter of my life, I enter with vigour and excitement. Im gonna reach my goal weight by the time I head overseas and baby, Im rocking that bikini!!

What have you been thinking about and learning about recently?

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