Thursday 7 February 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Im ready. My bags are packed, my hair and nails are did, my tan is not so chicco brown now (thank lorna), I have two dresses and dont have to resort to blinging up a garbage bag and Im ready. Now to get through one more day of work without going postal and Ill be on my way to Brisbane, the state which has the best bananas, mangos and pineapple. Nom Nom Nom!

Just a heads up for the next few weeks. Project Reno is empty as of Sunday. Monday we visit it and workout what needs to be done ASAP and what can wait, than the moving begins. Lorna have mercy. So if I am a little quiet in the first few weeks of round 1, please dont be to alarmed (unless you hear of some crazy woman going postal on her husband in Adelaide, thats me so i may need to be bailed out of somewhere...). I will try and update where I can but my posts may become not as many. I also may not have internet at Project Reno which could mean, shock horror, Ill have to actually talk to Hubby Ninja :P There is love I promise!

Also this weekend, I may be a tad quiet, but trust me you will probably be able to hear me from Brisbane if you listen close enough.  I have my tablet pc (NOT AN IPAD!) whilst in Brisbane, that does however prove to be difficult to type posts on but I will endevour to give you a full run down on Tuesday when I return to work!

As I stated in our SA 12WBT Facebook page - 

Today I plan to be awesome, I mean I am Awesome all time time but today Im gonna be REAL AWESOME!! Hope you are all have an awesome day!

1 comment:

  1. Sensai Ninja, I found your blog through the bloggers post on the FB SA 12wbt. Wow what truely amazing results! You must be incredibly proud, reading your blog empowers me to believe that I can also achieve great results with the 12wbt.
    Well done!
