Sunday 3 February 2013

Down by the ocean...

Up early this morning...Crazy I know, its a Sunday I hear you yell. My body was doing exactly the same, screaming "What the hell ya thinking women!?"" Wheres my bloody coffee?" (sorry bod your gonna have to wait til after). The reason I was up early was coz today was the day I was running 5km with some very special ninjas. 

Up I got, bright and early, even giving the birds a shock , shaved my legs and arms (I wanted nothing holding me back :P) and I got ready to rock the beach. I was decked out in Lorna (of course) and my 12wbt SA Crew Shirt. In the ute we got and headed to Semaphore. Hubby Ninja and Dog Ninja also came along as well to cheer us on. The morning was already stunning! Thank you mother nature, coz last time I attempted this run, IT WAS BUCKETING down. I dont do runs in the rain. Im a bit of a princess like that (I dont camp either in case you were wondering, no hot showers or toilets - Im completely out)

Any who, I met up with the wonderful and gorgeous Phantom Ninja (who was the one who convinced me to do this with her!) and Playground Ninja at the clock. Here is a photo of us looking awesome before the run:

How hot do we look!? 

Off we went at 830am and I have to say, it was definately one of the best runs Ive had in a long time. I ran pretty much ran the whole 5km (except for a drink walk and a short stroll coz my hip was a little sore) and made it to the end in 34mins 36secs! Not to shabby, I thought considering my hip has been angry all week. I maintained a HR of 176bpm most of the way but I felt good and not out of breath!

On the actual run, I saw some new faces, got tap'd on the shoulder by Puffy Tail Dog Ninja who recognised me from our Facebook fun (this never fails to really put a smile on my dial!), saw the gorgeous smiling Duds Guru Ninja who was marshalling (and got a high five!) and meet <3 Channing Ninja for the first time (even though I talk to her all the time online). At the finish line, I saw many other familiar faces of our crew (some of who did the 10k) and some others who I have never met but can finally put names to real faces! 

Our crew did so well and Im so super proud of them all! GO SA CREW!!

Another thing that really made me smile today was the kids who were officially running (numbers and all). This is nothing short of amazing to see! 

I also had a bunch of new songs on my shuffle thing today and I ensured to include a new to me song which I have dubbed our new SA Crew Anthem (unofficially of course!). The song is called A Great Big World (I have the glee version however but this is the original group below. If you want to hear glees version, youtube A great big world - glee). Have a read of the lyrics below, Im sure you will agree this is a winner for our crew (my now mission is to get the crew to learn the lyrics! haha)

Another year you made a promise
another chance to turn it all around
and do not save this for tomorow
embrace the past and you can live for now
and I will give the world to you

Speak louder that the words before you
and give them meaning no one else has found
The role we play is so important
we are the voices of the underground
and I would give the world to you

Say everything you’ve always wanted,
be not afraid of who you really are,
cause in the end we have each other,
and thats at least one thing worth living for,
and I would give the world to you

A million suns that shine upon me
A million eyes you are the brightest blue
Lets tear the walls down that divide us
and build a statue strong enough for two,

I pass it back to you
and I will wait for you,
cause I would give the world
and I would give the world
and I would give the world to you

This is the new year
A new begining
You made a promise
You are the brightest
We are the voices
This is the new year
We are the voices
This is the new year

All in all, today has been awesome!

What did you get up to on this gorgeous Sunday??

PS - Some photos of us after the race :) Still looking awesome!

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