Case in point, last night I went to woolies to buy laundry liquid. Hubby Ninja has this running joke that Im a hopeless shopper (he isnt really far from the mark). I say Im going in for milk and get side tracked and come out with other things. I think there has only been one or two times Ive actually gone in and come home with what I intended to go out for originally. Its why online food shopping is better for me. Last night I went mainly for laundry liquid (unfortunately the washing aint gonna do itself!), pickles than popped into my head (I honestly was fresh out and these babies are like solid gold to me), than I wanted some yogurt coz I ran out and than I remembered we needed loo roll.
Now any normal person would go into the supermarket and work out what is a good price for the quality etc. Me, no, I look for what has the cutest picture on the packaging. Yes Im an advertisers dream. Thank god Cottonelle was on special this week, because the puppy on the packet seems to win me over. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!!
See how adorable is he!!! awww!
Hubby Ninja has also promised to take me to a Big W tonight so I can go have a gander at all the new Mish One Active stuff! I may be a tad excited! There are plans of what I wanna get but can see this being like a Lorna trip...
Moving on...

The other one which Im stupidly excited about is the Warrior Dash! This looks super fun, crawl and run through mud and have an absolute ball with people, whilst doing it. Now I think this falls on the same weekend as the Finale in Melbourne but as Im fresh off a plane from Thailand, unfortunately Im unable to make this finale (ROUND 2 FOR ADELAIDE!!) sorry had to throw that in there :P. For more info check out

So all in all, looks like May is gonna be a busy month of events!! Gotta love that! Let me know if you join any of them! Be awesome to see some new faces! Ya never know, if you in Adelaide, Im sure we have crossed paths at some stage!
Tell me, what events are you excited about!?
Signing up for all 3 too :) And totally looking forward to trying out the dragon boat racing
ReplyDeleteWohoo Dragon Boat Racing looks like heaps of fun! cant wait!