Monday 18 February 2013

Proud to be South Aussie!

So this weekend has been a very very busy one, I havent actually had a chance to really be near a pc til last night (which than turned into me using the tablet, as it seems there may be some gremlins in my laptop!!) So blogging clearly hasnt happened and keeping in touch with the net world has all been through my phone! Ahh but never fear, Im back and hopefully this week, Ill get on more of a flow happening again!

Last week, also being week 1 of round 1, was an interesting one. Ive been busy working but after work, moving boxes from storage to project reno. Oh what a mess that place is. We are finding stuff thats been left around since the 1980s! Seriously!! It also had us find some suspicious board in the shed and house, which freaked us out to thinking it maybe asbestos. We got a heap of the sucker tested and results came back on Friday afternoon to be just cement board! Phew! 

Ohh food wise has been pretty good. The heat makes me crave salads and as Im having fun with my salads, and mixing it up, I did create this awesome salad, was awesomely tasty! Pomegranate for the win!

Nom nom nom

Oh and here is my inspirational board for the week 1 challenge! I have two. One on Pinterest and one at work!

Friday lunch time saw me meeting with PT Ninja to get our Fitness tests complete! When I looked back on my round 4 results, I actually did surprisingly well. My results for Round 1 are as follows:

1km run = 5mins 44 sec (round 4 = 6min 17sec)
Push ups = 0 toes 34 knees (Round 4 = 32)
Plank (the new ab strength) = 1min 30sec (this wasnt in round 4 but I was always just beginner in normal ab strength test!)
Wall sit = 1min 32 sec (Round 4 = 1min 22sec)
Sit and Reach = +16 (Round 4 = +12)

Pretty happy with those results! How did you go?

Saturday was been pretty much spent at Project Reno, lifting boxes, moving 5 tonne of road base (the driveway was bottomed out and causing a few issues getting in and out the house in the cars), pulling carpet nails out of the kitchen floor (the awesome green carpet is GONE in the kitchen!!) and your general tidy up.  Still so much to do however but time is a plenty and there is no rush!

Sunday was the day of all days and I mark it down in my journey as one I will never forget. Playground Ninja organized a mass Lofty event to help us gain Mish's attention and boy oh boy, was it ever a success! We had well over 65 people attend, even though the weather was 37 degrees! We had so many determine people that my heart sung with so much pride! The SA Crew have some seriously amazing people who all deserve a massive pat on their back for their achievements but also the way we all came together as a group. 

My aim was not a PB (this will be done another time) but was to help encourage and motivate some first timers up the hill. I meet so many new faces and Im so super proud to learn about everyone's journeys! At 615am, I picked up a new ninja from Bridgewater. She also had never walked Lofty but with me picking her up, she said it stopped the self talk of her convincing herself out of it! We meet some other ninjas up the top of lofty and descended down the mountain to our group. At the bottom, photos were taken! LOOK AT OUR GROUP! AMAZING!!


I had one lady with me who had just had a knee operation 7 WEEKS AGO!!! She was like a pocket rocket! You would never of thought this woman had had surgery thats for sure! Inspiration double +. We took it easy with another first timer and made it to the top in 1hr 20mins. 

At the top we got to sign our name on our huge banner! Seeing all the names made me so proud to be a South Aussie. We even had complete strangers coming up asking us about it all and also asking if they to could take photos of our banner!!

With Playground Ninja's permission, that afternoon, I tweeted our efforts to Mish and the 12wbt team. We got a response and we finally have her attention!! Operation lets get Finale in Adelaide is in full swing! We can do this!!

Mish'n accomplished

Massive kudos and shout out to all those who attended and accomplished such an amazing mountain. SA Crew is the way it is because of you and your determination and drive! Proud to be part of such an awesome team.

Even bigger Kudos and shout out to Playground Ninja for her fantastic organizing and poster making skills. You, my friend, rock my socks and I feel completely privileged to be your friend and watch you on this amazing journey!

So tell me, how was your weekend?

Playground ninja and me!

Firey Ninja welcoming the sunrise!

Clear view on an awesome day!


  1. I was so distracted reading this that my 4 month old just took his first selfie!!! Oh how times have changed!! Keep blogging :) Can't wait for the next chapter :)

    1. aww now that is something I think that needs to be seen! They start way to young nowadays :D
