Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Bock Bocks, Bikes and Music...

Before I start...look at this pearl of stupid wisdom I saw today when I went to buy eggs....

Okay so clearly not a clear picture (I was trying to sneaky snap it but probably still look like an idiot with my phone in the fridge section) HOWEVER, under the word "Wattle ridge" it says "the Environmental Egg" and than if you look to the right it has "CAGE" - Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this picture!?

How are caged eggs environmental? 

Maybe its just me and I see the word CAGED and I get all "hippie, hug a tree and throw myself in front of the bulldozer" like. Maybe I should cage the CEO of this company and get someone to piss on their head whilst we feed them a crap load of antibiotics and bulking feed which has no nutritional value to the animal or us who consume them!

Clearly I buy organic free range. There is no other option in my eyes. I may not be a vegetarian but hell, I am ethical with what I buy when I eat. Its not really that much more. 

Poor bock bocks. Which is another thing Im looking forward to when we get to Project Reno. My own bock bocks and my own veggie patch....Oh and a bike!

It has been a few days of convincing, Hubby Ninja is concerned of me riding a bike, as I generally cannot walk without tripping (he said he would need the hospital on speed dial, cheeky bugger) but I told him that my boobs will get bigger and my butt will be firmer....He laughed, gave in, said he would give me some birthday money towards it but said I had to save for the rest. WINNER!

Now to save my $$, sell some stuff and Im gonna own a bike....MINUS the Lycra! 

Isnt she pretty! She is black and pink! Im seriously like a kid at Christmas - super excited!

So on Sunday, I have Dolphin Run. Im kinda glad I checked this today online because I originally had it in my diary for Saturday! I would have shown up like a right fool on Saturday without fail I promise you. Im crazy clever like that. Anyways, I digress. I need to revisit the songs on my shuffle (yes I own ONE apple product and thats ONLY because it was a gift from my auntie for my running!). Some of the songs I have on there generally are linked to someone. Its my way of when a song comes on, Im thinking of that person telling me to just keep going and dont stop!! For example:

  • We are Young (Fun) - Mother Hen Ninja
  • Do it Like That (Ricki Lee) - Mac Ninja
  • Carry On (Fun) - Firey Ninja
  • Check Yes Juliet (We the Kings) - My old friend Dan (passed away)
  • Moves like Jagger (Maroon 5) - My good friend and previous Personal Trainer - Star PT Ninja
  • Call me Maybe (Carly Rae Jepsen) - Dear friend Livestrong Model Ninja
  • Hall of Fame (The Script) - My 12wbt SA Crew Family
  • The Fighter (Gym Class Heros) - My 12wbt SA Crew Family
  • Witchcraft (Pendulum) - RPM Crew at old gym

I love the fact that these songs will generally come on when I start to struggle and want to stop. Its generally the kick in the arse I need to push through the wall. 

So I have added some new stuff but looking for some inspiration! So tell me, what is your favourite song that helps you push through??

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Orange Salad Heaven...

So today has been one of those days, you know those days, you have all the plans to complete a heap of stuff and you only touch the top of it. The day went quicker than a young blokes first time and I was seriously left sighing as I left the office, thinking and dreading what I have to get done before I go to Brisbane!!

Speaking of Brisbane, Mother Natures - Seriously!? What are you doing to these poor people, they only just recovered from the last flooding you gave them! Thank Lorna this time it wasnt as bad as two years ago but still!! We have a party to attend, could you please ease up!!

Dress hunting is still an ongoing saga. Ninja Hubby is over it and Im sure those Im seeking advice from are ready to justify why they shouldnt be friends with me anymore.  My dad offered to buy me one for my birthday and I found an absolutely gorgeous dress. It said IN STOCK SIZE 12! Im like Oh MY LORNA! I go to order the dress to get shot down in flames. Not in my size. Lying deceitful website. So Im watching another on ebay and also sent this website an email to see if they do have one and its just a fault with the website. At this rate I could have 2 dresses or no dresses and will be hamming up a black garbage bag with bling! At least Ill get noticed I guess.... haha

Today besides going like the wind bullseye, was good eating and exercise. Dinner was nearly the same old boring chicken salad but I called upon my SA Crews advice on how to not have another. I totally would have had the Mango Chicken Salad again, its a right winner in my eyes, but alas I didnt buy a mango (didnt feel like donating a kidney to coles to get one). I did however have an orange in my fridge still from last week. So I put together lettuce, cucumber, avo, orange, walnuts, splash of balsamic and grilled me some chicken to mix in. OH MY LORNA! Its a revolution! ORANGE in salad, new favourite! HEAVEN!! DO IT! Dont even question it like I did, cut that sucker up and throw it in. You wont regret it! (I would have snapped a pic for ya but my head went in that bowl and didnt come up for air til I was done! It was THAT GOOD!)

Exercise consisted of Jillian Yoga Meltdown. My hip has decided to not be impressed with me since the Lofty walk but I wasnt to let it beat me this time. I thought a good stretch out would be good for it plus good for my head. I had a ripper of a headache and the last thing I wanted to do was run with it. Burnt a good 260 calories, not bad, not great but Ill take it!

Things seem to be kinda on track in my head at the moment. Im being more interesting with foods and trying not to just eat carrot sticks and cucumbers. I think one of the reasons I get so side tracked is because I get bored. Im trying to make sure all my meals have that right balance of Carbs, Protein and Fat. If I have a piece of fruit, I am having 10 nuts to balance it out. Lets hope for a loss tomorrow, would be nice for a fricken change! Plus I dunno how many more beatings the scales will take before they fall apart....

So tell me, whats your favourite salad combo?

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Breakfast - What was on your menu this morning?

This morning, I tried a new to me muesli which I purchased from my soon to be local fruit and veg place and I have to say, it was absolutely divine. Hubby ninja said it looked like chook feed and we didnt have chooks so who was eating it!? ME of course! When I saw the ingredients of it in the shop, it went straight into the basket as this baby was a nutritional powerhouse breaky for sure!

Ingredients: Sunflower seeds, Pepitas, rice bran flakes, almonds, puffed brown rice, dates (15%), Dried Banana Chips (5%), Organic puffed amaranth, Coconut oil. 

Calories per 50g serve was 239 calories of nutritional goodness. 

I had mine served with fresh strawberries and blueberries and organic skim milk :) Coffee to the side with no sugar! Breakfast of champions!

So what makes this a nutritional powerhouse? Well let Sensai explain!

Sunflower Seeds - They say large things come in small packages and this little seed is no exception. This tiny seed contains an exceptional source of Vitamin E which is the bodys primary fat-soluble antioxidant. Vit E has a momentous anti-inflammatory effect that have proven results in reducing the symptoms of asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It also plays a very important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease! On top of this, they are also a good source of Selenium, Magnesium and Protein (just 100g of these babies will give you a whopping 21g of Protein!)

Pepitas (aka Pumpkin Seeds) - These seeds also pack a punch of nutritional benefits. They offer a myriad of nutrients including amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids and a wealth of minerals such as calcium, potassium, niacin and phosphorous. They are high in most of the B vits, but also Vit C, D, E & K. They are also rich in beta carotene which can be converted to Vit A as needed by the body AND they are rich in the eye protective carotenoid lutin. Snacking on just one handful of these babies will provide an amazing 9 grams of body building protein along with manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc! 

Rice Bran Flakes - High in dietary fibre and fibre means your fuller for longer! It is also natures gentle "sweep" of your internal digestion organs. By promoting bowel regularity, you significantly increase your bodies natural ability to process foods you consume. It also contains awesome antioxidant properties that help fight off toxins that our bodies are continually subjected to!

Almonds - My favourite nut of all time! Almonds are rich in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals and is also packed with health promoting phyto-chemicals, which helps protect against diseases and cancers. It contains the all important Vit E, the all important B-complex vits such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, panthothenic acid, Vit B6 and folates. These important vits help boost your metabolism and help make it work at its best. Further to this, this awesome nut also has incredible sources of minerals such as Manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. 

Puffed Brown Rice - Some mornings, I love this just on its own with banana, strawberries and milk. Its like having rice bubbles without all the added salt and crap that comes with it. This awesome cereal alternative contains not only the awesome properties of dietary fibre but it also contains very little fat, no sodium or cholestrol and contains very little calories. For the few calories, it does contains the important B vits, as well as significant amounts of zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. Its a wicked source of mineral manganese which is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins and essential for a healthy nervous system!

Dates - are like natures candy and are a nugget of nutrition which will help tame any sweet toothes craving. Dates are sodium free, fat free, cholestrol free, are an awesome source of fibre (both soluble and insoluble), potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, cooper and manganese. WOW! All that for a sweet treat, someone hand me some dates (and almonds to help level out the GI of these babies)

Banana Chips - Now banana chips are probably on par with potato chips really due to the fact they are pretty much fried the same way. In saying this, the whole packet only contains 5%, which really in the grand scheme of it, aint to bad. When I ate this breaky this morning, I think I may of got 1 banana chip!

Amaranth - of late, I have heard this one being talked about in books and online which has peaked my curiosity of what it actually tasted like. Bob Harper talks a bit about it in his book "The Skinny Rules" I have to admit, that after this mornings breaky, Im a fan! Amaranth, like Quinoa, is referred to as a grain but in actual fact, like Quinoa, is a seed! Another highly nutritious seed and offers a complete form of vegetable protein. It also contains a great source of dietary fiber, calcium and minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. Amaranth is an awesome source of all essential amino acids, in particular lysine which has a strengthening, toning effect on the body. Amaranth is also gluten free, easily digested and is especially beneficial for active people, vegetarians, and pregnant and breastfeeding women. Like Quinoa, it also comes in many forms, from the seed inself to flour for baking! 

Coconut Oil - People who know me well, know I love all things coconut and this oil is no exception. It has multiple uses from being an awesome moisturiser for your skin and hair, but also having a fantastic nutritional benefit. Now I know what your thinking, coconuts are high in saturated fat, this cant be good for me HOWEVER its actually the complete opposite to what your thinking. Coconut oil has a thermogenic effect on the body, which means it actually SPEEDS up your metabolism! If you have digestion issues or tummy bloating (eg. IBS), adding this oil daily to your diet, may help you! Fatty acids found in coconut oil contain anti microbial properties, which have a soothing affect on bacteria, yeast infections (eg thrush) or parasites which cause poor digestion! Recently it has been reported to help with insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes, as it helps control blood sugar levels! Those suffering from the medical concerns mentioned above (eg IBS, thrush, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes) apparently will benefit of having a teaspoon of this awesome oil every day before breakfast!

If you want to know how each vitamin plays a role in your body and health, have a read of this website! Its a favourite I have on my PC.

Is your brain full now? If not, if you ate the muesli or any of these awesome foods, your belly should be! haha! :)

So tell me, what do you have for breakfast most mornings?

Disclaimer: Im no expert! I simply do a lot of reading and research, if something I have stated is wrong, please feel free to correct me :)

Saturday, 26 January 2013

On top of Mt Lofty, all covered in sweat.... :)


What a morning today was! I was up bright and early at 6am, dressed, ate and got in the car to walk another Lofty climb. Its addictive I tell ya. 

Playground Ninja organised the event and what a turn out we had. She coordinated it fantastically and she deserves a huge virtual high five! The turn out consisted of 20 - 12wbt members which was a mix of previous rounds, current round and the upcoming round! Was so awesome to see such enthusiasm to tackle Adelaide's premier hiking track. For those who dont know what Mt Lofty is about, here is a brief description (thanks to Playground Ninja for the information):

"The walk from Waterfall Gully to Mount Lofty is THE premier hiking track in Adelaide, where elite sportspersons come to train. It ascends 1263ft over 4km of VERY steep track, and is graded as 'hard' by the Department of Environment."

When I read this just now, I was seriously like WOW. I didnt realise that it was the premier track, nor did I know how many ft it was! Crazy school. 

Here is our awesome team of 12wbt members at the bottom of the mountain:

Today for me was NOT about PBs. I knew that we had many new faces amongst our group and I wanted to be the motivator and supporter. A few speedy ninjas made their way ahead and however I promised one very awesome lady, who I have now named, Determined Ninja, that I would not leave her behind. Determined Ninja was appropriately dressed in black and had never climbed Mt Lofty before so the aim was to make it to the top, however slow or fast she wanted to go. 

1hr and 18mins later, we made our Rocky appearance at the top of the mountain! xxx Ninja did fantastic and she had the fighting spirit of a ninja who never will give up! So proud of her!! 

Shameless selfie of the three of us at the top waiting for Playground Ninja! Excuse my "nude" face and squinty eyes!

Me and Determined Ninja! ROCKSTAR!!

Playground Ninja & Determined Ninja!

Water bottles were dropped on the way down. BUT IT WASNT ME this time! I had my hydration pack (totally recommend for anyone planning to hikes and climbs like this!!!)

Everyone who participated today was an absolute rockstar and should be super proud of what they accomplished today! Today showed me again that such an awesome program has brought together so many like minded FANTASTIC people. I genuinely believe I have made friends for life through this program and cant wait to do Round 1 with these awesome people!

Take note 12wbt, Adelaide is going leaps and bounds to get you to notice us! OUR NUMBER 1 GOAL - GET A FINALE IN ADELAIDE!!!!!

Oh and how appropriate to see this little gorgeous creature in a tree before we all left:

Love our Aussie Nature!

After all was said and done, I made my way home to get ready to go to the Farm. I was meant to have my massage but with our late start, time was cut very fine and I had to reshedule til next Saturday which works PERFECTLY because next Saturday, I am running the 5km Dolphin Run with one awesome 12wbt Ninja and a few others from our crew as well!

Ninja Dog thought it was appropriate to not sit in the seat like a normal dog but to do this on our trip to the farm:

She makes me laugh. 

On the way here, Hubby Ninja stopped at my favourite (soon to be local) fruit and veg shop so I could load up on Organic Milk, fruit and muesli for our stay. I may of thrown an organic yogurt in my bag for shits and giggles. I already have had one comment so far about organic product! The weekend has only just started!

Its been relaxing so far, I have my new Womens Health to read, Lola Berry's book to finish and a new one by Susie Burrell called "Losing the last 5kg" ( who is another well known Australian Nutritionist. Time has been also spent in the Veggie patch with MIL and Ninja Dog who rather enjoyed the grass (and was told off many times for trying to eat the veggies!):

and for those interested - dinner is safe. In celebration of Australia Day, its Roast Lamb and Veg. No alpaca on the plate :P

Hope you all have a fantastic long weekend! What have you got planned?

Friday, 25 January 2013

Project Reno and Spiders...

So last night, I swear to Lorna, that some pixie has come in and changed my 1.5kg dumbbells to 3kg each. I definitely was in struggle town last and my 30min workout felt like it went for eternity. My arms felt like they were gonna fall off but I finished that workout and made it my bitch!

I did have a minor girly moment, when I flicked out my mat and a spider came crawling out! GAH! I got all braved and ninja like, I stepped on that sucker and JFD my DVD. I am sorry to animal lovers who think spiders should be let back outside. I love all creatures EXCEPT spiders. I have a line, if they come inside, they have played Russian Roulette. If its me who finds it, generally they get a can of whoop arse or my foot (depending if Im being brave ninja). If its hubby ninja, depending on the size and type, they generally get taken back outside. I dont go getting up in their homes, they can stay out of mine. 

At our old place, we use to have this ultrasonic thing which plugged into the wall which kept mice and all creepy crawlies out. Best money we ever spent. I didn't have to be evil and kill little mices and spiders coz they stayed the hell away. We lived in harmony. When we move to Project Reno (more on that later), that thing is going back in the wall. Hell Ill even buy another one if I have to! (whatever you do, dont buy the cheap ones at bunnings, they dont work. You need to spend the $$ on the Plug in Pestfree -

So yesterday we found out that our next adventure is only around the corner. Last year, around this time, we purchased a property with land which needs major renovation work thus I have dubbed it "Project Reno". As I am all about the anon factor of my blog, when I refer to our home, it will be this. Anyways, for the last 12 months, we have had tenants in Project Reno whilst we sorted out our other home and sold it. Our than house sold quicker than we thought and we have been residing with my dad until the tenants found another home to move to. Yesterday the tenants call and say, hey we have found another place, can we move out in two weeks to which I responded SURE! Gotta get back to the country and get out of the concrete jungle. Im not ungrateful for the help my dad has given us, buy by golly, I do not like metro!

So over the coming weeks, prepared for further whinging. My organization has just stepped up again. All just before going to Brisbane....Ahh the fun! 

This weekend plans to be another busy one on Saturday but than quiet for Sunday and Monday when we are off to visit the farm again. Nothing like only hearing the kookaburras, crickets and dealing with MIL and FIL1! I plan to take organic milk again. Time will tell if it will cause another "discussion" - will keep you posted. 

Tomorrow I trek up Mt Lofty again with the 12wbt girls, with my hydration pack this time! No more dropping water bottles! After this, I go home, shower and head off to see the forever gorgeous Beaute Ninja for a massage and pedicure. She is trying to raise $'s to go to Brisbane with us and also raising money for the Para Olympic team. You get either a massage or facial plus a mani or pedi for $60 OR just a mani and pedi (shellac) for $60. If your interested, hit me up an email and Ill send you the details. She is located in Brighton and is absolutely fantastico!

Than the plan after the massage is to just RELLLAAAXXX and plan the food/exercise for next week. Easy!

So what are your plans this weekend?

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Flat tummies and DEXA scans.

Im starting todays post with a random thought I had last night (this is exactly what I was thinking btw):

Laying down in bed, I really like my body. Like really like it. Why? Because I have a flat stomach. Gravity is a bitch when I stand, I have a belly, but when I lie down, I have a flat belly. 

Lets not discuss the fact that my lady lumps end up looking like eggs in a pan and disappear under my arms or the fact that my arse fat doesnt disappear...

I have a flat stomach!!

Right so onto other information. As you all are aware, I went and had a DEXA scan last night. The reason was mainly because I really wanted to know a few things, those being:
  • How much fat do I currently have (body fat %) and how much do I really have left to lose?
  • How much of that dangerous fat (visceral) do I have?
  • What was my true Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) eg how many calories do I need to just simply function?
  • How much actual lean muscle do I have?
So off I toddled to Adelaide BodyScan on Kensington Road, Rose Park ( For those interested, this guy (Tim) was absolutely amazing. They have only recently started and seem to be the only place in Adelaide that offer this service and the only machine (he said in Australia?) to offer the Visceral fat scan. This scan I think is really important, cos thats the scary fat you dont want to have around your organs! The cost was only $95 and I think was money very well spent!

I went in, filled in a piece of paper and was summoned to his office. I can honestly say I wasnt really that nervous like I thought I may have been. I think after seeing some of the other girls results and having an idea of what could come back, I figured, Im only arming myself with the best possible information about my body. 

This is my scan (look Im a skeleton!)

The red section is the fat I need to really lose. Its the fat I know is there, the fat that wont currently move but seeing this has really made me more determined to lose the RED fat. See I knew there was a skinny person in there somewhere!!! haha.

My stats were as follows:

Visceral Fat - 119g which puts me is the VERY LOW risk category for developing type 2 diabetes
Total Body Fat - 28,633g (38.1%). In order to get into the Optimal Health, I need to lose 8.1% of my body fat which from my calculations roughly works out that my ideal weight is around the 70kg mark (which is my current goal weight. So to get to this, I need to lose the stubborn 6.6kg.
Lean Muscle - 46,428kg (59.8%)
Android/Gynoid (waist/hip) - Android - 35.7%, Gynoid - 46.2% A/G Ration -0.77  (ideally it should be below 1, which mine is! Woohoo)
RMR - 1563 calories per day (so what my body burns with doing absolutely nothing but rest
Relative Skeletal Muscle Index (RSMI) - So the amount of muscle in the arms and legs - 7.56kg per sqm
Bone density was very good 

So there ya go! It comes with a full 4 page report which even has the full body body composition information (so how much fat etc is in your left arm, right arm etc)

Its really given me a lot of information to process and to really think about my next action plan on how to combat the beast that is my fat. My aim is to eat more wholesome products, lean meats and lots more veg. I unfortunately believe that I do eat to many carbs and I really need to get that balance right with it all. AND READ, Im going to read some more books and do some more research on it all. 

All in all, I am really happy with the results.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

See, I am human!

So this morning saw me have a hissy fit like a 2 year old not getting what they want. My scales nearly went out the window (or against the wall) AGAIN and Im really over the whole yo-yo roller coaster my body has been on. I admit my exercise has been on woeful side, the good old excuses book was out and Im trying to not beat myself up over that however my eating has been pretty spot on. So if anything, I would have at least expected a little loss for that, not a gain of about 700g!!! WTF BODY WTF!!! 

My real low point this week is that the dress arrived. It doesnt fit. I was not a happy lady. Poor hubby ninja. 

Im back to square one.

Its not easy seeing it either. It really is a mental game at the moment with me. I know it is and I seem to be on struggle street with it. I feel like I was on such a roll when I started out, I was busting it out on my own with no gym or trainer. Get into week three with no movement (or seeing a gain) on the scales, I started to lose that momentum. I get thinking if Im slaving it out and getting no results why bother? Than the old excuses creep back in...Im tired...Thats the favourite and one I just cant seem to say NO your not, JDFI!

I talk on here sometimes like I have all the determination in the world and honestly sometimes I do. I feel so motivated, I do it but than I get to Wednesdays and I want to pack the whole thing in.

I vowed that I would spend more time on the 12wbt site and forums....I havent.

I thought I could really do it on my own with no gym, no trainer. I honestly didnt understand how hard it is mentally. I do to much thinking in any said day, I like the idea of not thinking about it when I go to the gym. I miss group classes and I miss having a trainer.

So my resort at the moment to how I combat the issues Im facing - I get proactive and make a plan:
  • I had my bloods taken for a heap of tests. I have thyroid issues within my family. Its something I get tested every few years to see if its okay. Its always been on the iffy side which is why I "think" I have trouble dropping the kg. My body clearly doesn't function like everyone else.  I felt like the nurse was a vampire on Monday. I think they took something like 6 or so viles of my blood. Results I hope will be back by Friday. Will keep you posted!
  • Someone/thing in the universe, must of heard this whinge loud enough because as of yesterday on Scoopon, I got a deal for a place that does purely just classes, near where we are living. They dont do RPM but they do boxing, pump and Zumba. I bought one. I figure if its good, it might be just enough to get me through til we move. If its crap, well I only shelled out $9!
  • I have also booked in for a DEXA scan which I am having done today. This HOPEFULLY will be the mental kick in my arse, I need to push me to push myself harder. For those who aren't sure what this is, totally research it, the information is really amazing (Some info - and where I am off to after work -
  • Im going to start planning again for dinners and lunches. I stopped doing this around week 6, but food wise I was doing well planning and ninja hubby liked having an idea what was on the menu.
  • Im reading information on foods (reading Lola Berry's book at the moment) and trying to be more creative with clean healthy food. I know my issue is I go to simple carbs because its easy and its due to lack of planning. I am the kind of person who likes to be armed with the information to help make a decision. One thing which does bug me is the fact that most food plans call for cooked lunches and breakfasts. I simply do not have time to do this (nor the facilities at work to cook lunch!) so I need alternatives for lunches at work! So any ideas, throw em at me!
  • Im going to spend some more time on the 12wbt forum page. Im going to make an effort to watch the videos. I will sign up for Round 1 as well and I will follow it to the letter. Im not gonna get into a bikini in April if I dont!!!
So tell me, what are you plans and ideas!? How are you going with it all?

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Tour Down...Oh my Lorna...Under....

Unless you have been living under a rock (or happen to miss the GIANT BLOWN UP BIKE in Victoria Square. Dead give away!)  you would know that Adelaide roads has literally been taken over by bike riders...lots and lots of bike riders. Some, I must admit, are pretty alright on the eye ;) and some I cheer from the sidelines going YOUR FRICKEN AWESOME! Because lets face it, they may not have the physic of a full blown bike rider but seriously, I give them kudos where kudos is due as they are getting out there and being active! Those hills they ride up, definitely not for the faint hearted!

Now obviously with this take over, it means that there is a lot of Lycra wearing individuals out there. Now Im not against the Lycra, Im sure it has and serves a very good purpose for the sport (particularly if you have a nice bum!) but what I do not get nor does my eyes appreciate is WHITE Lycra. There should be a rule that says that if you plan to ride your bike (GO YOU) and you want to wear the Lycra (again GO YOU), any colour is fine EXCEPT white (or red because I have just seen a very disturbing picture which is not safe for this blog!). Now I know that white has good insulation properties with the sun etc but by golly, seriously....NO. Its like telling a teenager that the skirt she is wearing looks like a belt and is inappropriate. No one wants to see ya bits. Any of it. Regardless of whether your female or male. White Lycra is wrong. 

End of Story.

In other news, by now, you have all probably heard that Mr Lance Armstrong aint the man we all thought he was and he has admitted to Oprah that he is a cheat and he did indeed dope. I personally haven't listened to the whole interview yet (only listened to part 1 yesterday whilst working, part 2 will be listened to today) nor do I actually understand or know the full story as I honestly havent followed it 100%, but to me now, I just dont feel he is completely sincere with his apology and/or am I sure we are still getting the entire truth... 

He WAS an inspirational man and what I cant seem to wrap my brain around is that this man, he had cancer. Cancer that made him loss part of his manhood. Cancer that could have ultimately taken his life. Could it possibly been because of the doping that he got cancer in the first place? (I dont really know whether it could have, so Im happy to be proved wrong!). What continues to baffle me is WHY, once he had recovered and beaten the cancer, would you go back and continued to dope. He was given a second chance at life, he had the chance to right the wrongs and yet, he went back to the wrong. I just dont get it.
Tell me, whats your opinion on the whole Lance saga? Do you believe him? Do you think there is a whole other motive for his confession?

PS - I personally believe that this kids bike rocks on! I want one!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

She's Alive!!

Ive been AWOL...sorry but just think, Im giving your brains a break from my rants! :P

As you all probably know, two awesome things happened on Friday. Firstly, I got accepted into the uni course I wanted to do (Bachelor of Science - Health Promotion through Curtin Uni in WA via distance education) which means my life just became no life. The second is that I FINALLY FOUND A DRESS!! I can all hear you sighing "thank lornas, she wont whinge about it anymore" haha.

This is what it looks like. Its a Karen Millen dress:

So now to find some bright shoes and a clutch to match. I think Pink maybe the colour of choice but we will see. 

The weekend has been busy-ish but mainly for hubby ninja. We went up to our friends place on Saturday so he could help my friend do some reno work on his house...I however made friends with my pillow. For the last 5 days, I have had this persistent headache. Panadol doesnt seem to want to touch it. It come and goes as a full blown headache and yesterday afternoon I gave in and went back to bed for a few hours. As I type this, I can feel the dull headache getting angry again. So this post may not be very long. 

As such, no exercise has happened this weekend. I was meant to go for a run yesterday morning but the thought honestly made me want to bring up my dinner from the night before and I took it as a sign to take it easy and continue to hydrate and nap if I could. I have a dr appt on Monday morning so will ask him what he thinks. 

When we left my friends this morning, we got caught in the "Ride like Crazy" ride. I totally give kudos to the riders who had to pump those legs getting up some of those hills. It definitely looked like a ride not for the faint hearted. I could see the relief on their face as they come down the other side of a hill and said to Hubby, that it would be that relief and buzz as you come down the other side that would makes me push to the top. Cycling is never something I have tried besides RPM (which doesnt really count). Maybe one day, might need to add that to my list!

Today I had to put on my big girl panties and go to my pops 80th birthday (my darling sister who I dont talk, to was to be in attendance). I had organised most of it from the, invites and place cards, balloons etc and regardless of how I felt, I dragged my sorry self and put on a big smile. After all it was his day. All went went besides the fact my sister refused to talk to me. 

There was an overweight (and I mean very very large) 1 year old. I bite my tongue. Hubby Ninja read my mind and knew. Im glad we are on the same page on this topic. I wont rant about this today, but you all know my thoughts. 

After lunch, Hubby Ninja took me to a BIG W so I could purchase some much needed sports socks and for me to see if they had the Mish Bridges One Active Weight Bar! SUCCESS!! 

I also bought a new book called "the 20/20 diet" by Lola Berry who is a Leading Australian Nutritionist. Ive read some of Lola's stuff recently online ( and was going to buy her book off the inter webs, but it seems they have released it at Big W. Ill give you my review once Ive read it. 

So hows your weekend been? What did you get up to?

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Fakes sites and forgetful brains...

Before I start I have to share this. I literally laughed out loud and had tears....

Oh my Lorna, So funny and its seriously legit! If you want one (I will laugh btw if you do), you can get from for $39.95 plus postage. Hilarious!

So the hunt for a dress continues. I thought I found one last night. It was a Karen Millen dress. I was in love:

I know, its black. Mother Hen Ninja was none to impressed with the colour choice but there honestly was no other colour except red (and it takes a very special someone to pull red off and I aint that special person!). But alas it was not meant to be. Upon my investigating ninja skills, I discovered that the site (and many others) were fakes. I looked on the actual Karen Millen site, both here and in UK and they dont have it. :( Im all saddy pants and yes Nerdy Ninja, Im pouting. haha. 

So the hunt continues. 

Anyone who knows me, knows I love to have funky nails. I dont do normal french nails often (and when I have, my boss tells me to go "funky" them up coz its not normal for me! haha) so Im also on the look out to get some gel nail polish. My Ninja-father's girlfriend gave me her UV lamp as she doesnt use it, so trying to workout what the best option is (as there are many and some dodgy ones to!). I have to visit David Jones today (and maybe visit Mac Ninja if she is around) to see if they have the OPI Gel as Ive heard good things about it. My current nail salon uses gelish and Im a bit hesitate because it doesnt seem to last the two weeks as advertised (or it could be the way they apply it, Im not sure). 

Today is also the day I find out if I got accepted into the Health Promotion course at Uni. Id be able to tell you right now if I did, however I seem to have forgotten my login number (its in my other handbag!) Gah. Ill keep you posted.

Hope you all have a lovely day. It is going to be a hot one in Adelaide today (42 gah!) so make sure you stay hydrated!!! I will with Lorna :P



Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Scales, dresses and tantrums...OH MY!

Today has not started out very well at all. I left my coffee on the bench at home but thats not what started it.

Jumped on scales this morning for the WWW. After being really good and working out 5 times last week I was rewarded with a measly 100g loss. WTF body WTF! This round has definitely NOT been my round and more than once have I wanted to ditch the scales across the room and watch it smash to smithereens. According to the tape measure Ive lost CMs in this round so one would say I should be happy with that. Im not. My goal is 70kg and under. Im still bloody 5.8kg away from it and even though it doesnt seem like much, it feels like eternity til I reach it! 

I know I can get there. I have to be persistant. 

Right now, right in this minute, I lack the positive attitude I normally have. Im at a loss. 

Well at least its a loss somewhere right?

Last night I went for another run which is kind of an accomplishment. I said to myself JFDI. My hip is a itsy bit sore but not feeling to bad. See how the rest of the day goes.

Also been looking at dresses....lots and lots of dresses....and Im still yet to find one for finale. At this rate Im going in a glammed up garbage bag with glittery heels. Dont think Im joking either! Im running out of time to buy one online and stores are just full of crap. I didnt think it would be hard to find a dress thats knee length, shows a bit of the girls and not look like a fluffy bit of fabric. 

Boy was I wrong. Online is like Im looking for a dress to go to a gypsy wedding and the stores have dresses which are so short, one would think I forgot the dress part all together and am wearing a wide belt. 

Exhibit A ('I-killed-a-bird' look)
Dont get me wrong, I have found some nice ones, but not in my size and I have been told by mother hen ninja that I must venture outside the square and go for another colour other than BLACK! 

This is when I believe if Lorna made cocktail dresses, I would not be in this dilemma. The decision would be easy! I think it maybe time to write her a letter and make the suggestion :)

So tell me, have you found a dress? Where did you get yours from?

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Oh Lorna, she is on her soapbox again...

So I have a few pet peeves. Most are very generic, for example - liers, backstabbers, people who wear FRESH make up to the gym (seriously who the hell are they kidding?), stupid people, arrogant people, uneducated people who think they have a right to an opinion when they dont know the facts (okay Ill stop there coz that will just take me onto a whole other rant about FIL1). You get my drift. But my biggest pet peeve is overweight/obese children/babies (and not just because of biggest loser USA, although this has probably just fueled me more so lately) and its also another reason why I want to do Health Promotion at Uni.

Yes yes, I know Im probably gonna open up a massive can of worms. So sue me. Actually dont, heard the term, you cant get blood from a stone? yeah well that would be me. 

Anyways, last night when walking the doggies, a mother and her children got out the car. Said woman was not a small lady, she was rather large. Next came the daughter, who I dare say was no more than 6 years....very large....and her two sons, on the edge of being big. Did I judge the mother? Yep I did. I went there and I totally had to restrain myself from going all Jillian Michaels on her arse.

What gets to me more than this, is toddlers who look like mini sumos. Don't bother giving me the excuse, oh but that is just baby fat, they will grow out of it. There is "baby fat" people and than there is setting the child up for a host of long life problems and Im not just talking about the self esteem or confidence issues, Im talking REAL life long problems like coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, knee and hip problems, sleep apnoea....shall I go on?  

According to the Bureau of Stats in Australia, in 2007-2008, around 600k children (1 quarter of children) between the ages of 5-17 were overweight or obese which was up by 4% from 1995. Wowzers! Other studies as well have shown that once these children become obese, they are likely to stay like this into adulthood and increase their chances of having the real life long problems which I mentioned above. Just keep in mind as well, this doesnt include those between the ages of 1-5 years old either.

So why are these children obese...ultimately its the lifestyle thats been created for them and the convenience of high fat, high sugar products which line our supermarkets but at the end of the day, I think some parents have become lazy in the high speed lives we all live. What ever happened to the days when McDonalds/KFC etc where a TREAT and not a staple menu item?

Now I know, Im not a parent myself, so some of you are probably thinking, now come on Sensai, you havent lived a day in my life and you know, you are right, however, what I have learnt from seeing some parents like the mother and daughter combo yesterday, is that I will not allow my child (coz when I do have one, its only gonna be one!) to consume high levels of over produced products and they will be encouraged to be active and not sit hours on end in front of the TV or computer. They will be encouraged to do dance, football etc and I will support them to be active. I will not pacify my child with lollies and junk. 

And whatever you do, dont say to me, oh but clean foods like fruit and veg are more expensive that the convenience food because my retort to how much are your medical bills? Or dont give me the excuse, oh by little Jonny or Sally cracks if I dont give them what they want....Ummm your are the parent and adult (do I need to give you examples of today's society and how rude teenagers are now because parents were trying to be friends with their child and not the parent?)

At the end of the day, the lifestyle any child lives, is the sole responsibility of the parent, particularly at the small age where they are unable to defend themselves or know right from wrong. What they put in their mouth is not something they have chosen and is the decision of the adult. Just because it tastes awesome and makes you happy when you eat it, does not mean its good for you or your child? If your eating too because you think it makes you happy...well thats another can of worms for another day.

DISCLAIMER: I am no expert nor am I saying that what I have written is gospel. Its just my own opinion and I understand that others may not share my opinion. I understand that there are many facets to this issue (eg marketing etc). Ultimately at the end of the day, we all have a choice. 

Monday, 14 January 2013

Okay, who stole the weekend?

Where the hell did the weekend go? Im back at work at 730am in the morning and right now my keyboard looks like an awesome pillow. Im exhausted and Im just outrightly annoyed and the day hasnt even started.

The weekend was consumed mainly by being at the in-laws, having petty arguments with the in-laws (over organic milk - see facebook for my rant on this lovely bit of story) and than yesterday doing sweet FA whilst the boys ripped the roof out of my friends place. Some would ask, why are you so exhausted than, you werent in the roof. Honestly, I just dont know why Im tired. Maybe my irons low again (note to self, get more iron tablets) or maybe Im just being emotional coz Im female and I can? Maybe Ill blame the moon. Damn Moon. 

Saturday saw me walking up lofty again (and not getting lost getting there!!) with some lovely ninjas from 12wbt. I got to meet some new faces and hear their stories. Made it to the top in 59mins 48secs which is 3mins better than last time. It was a considerable amount cooler and WINDY at the top. I did however look a lot more relaxed at the top this time and not so dead.

I also have to admit I wasnt slugged with the terrible DOMS like the first time, maybe because I stretched and also hydrated constantly on the walk, plus I also walked another 3km in the afternoon to my MIL's neighbours place to help them with their daughters new ipod (*shudder* sometimes the knowledge I have is not worth having!!!!). I did however get to meet her doggies. She breeds wirey coat Jack Russells and I think I fell in love....

How adorable are they! They have so much personality as well!!! Maybe a new member to add to the hobby farm when we move there?? Must convince Hubby Ninja. 

In the evening, FIL1 and I went into the paddocks to check on the alpacas. A few females are due any day now. I had one particular alpaca (dark one pictured below) come right up to me and literally kiss me on the cheek! So beautiful! love these creatures! Also pictured below, you will see a brown one, look at her belly...yes thats not normal and yes thats a baby trying to move into position we think!! Simply amazing!

My two alpacas were in another paddock far from the house, so I couldnt get to them to get photos. Once I do get photos, Ill show you. Their names are Ralph and Fred :) Both are runts but I always have had a soft spot for the under dog! 

So all up, exercise wise, things have been good. Food wise has been good to until last night when dinner was a blow out but considering I didnt have a treat night saturday, Im not really beating myself up over it. I managed to sway the in-laws to not have their "alpaca mince" stuffed capsicums by buying some nice Enzo's pasta and sauce for tea on Saturday night. 

So tell me, how was your weekend?

Friday, 11 January 2013

Way up the hillside, greener grows the grass....

Posts will be short and if they don't make complete sense it's coz I'm on my tablet pc. I cannot type quick on it and lose my thoughts before I've got the first word typed.

I'm at the farm escaping the concrete jungle. Its so peaceful up here but I'm sure it will prove to have a tale or two. I've already been told they are having stuffed capsicums for tea tomorrow night....with alpaca mince... yep you read that right....I said I'll organise our tea separate.

Today has been boring really oh except my trip to heaven to pick up my new water bottle. I'll take a pic tomorrow. It's perdy.

Got an early morning tomorrow as some of us Ninjas march up lofty! Should prove to be another sore week but it's worth it! Be great to see everyone! I'm gonna call it a night i reckon!

What are your plans for the weekend?

Thursday, 10 January 2013

A wise women said....

So today has been a typical day really. Nothing over interesting really to report except Im still sore from my anger run the other day. Better get use to it, I just signed up for the 5km Dolphin Run with Phantom Ninja and a few of the other 12wbt ninjas on the 3rd February 2013. This could be interesting. I have not trained and I have not really ran (well besides my anger run) since I got my orthotics last year.Why? I hear you ask... well to be perfectly honest, I am kinda freaked out about it. 

I know, I know, Im a ninja, Im meant to be fearless but right now its one of my walls. Its self imposed but with good reason (well I think it is anyways!)

Back at the end of 2010, I was around 90kg. I had never been someone to do any running, I was always the slowest in group PT when we had to do it, I could barely do 200m without wanting to die and if someone gave me the choice to run or to walk, Id walk. I was a big girl and at this time in my life, I was lost on the belief that I just "couldn't" do it. I was stuck on that mentality that because it hurt to much, I just believed I couldnt do it. 

I had always contemplated doing city to bay but that is where it started and ended. It was always just a thought. Never an action. 

At the beginning of 2011, I finally had the determination. I decided that I was going to sign up and I thought, you know what, even if I walk some of it, Im gonna participate! I cant remember exactly where the motivation came from but I also voiced my determination in one of my group PT classes. A good friend in this group PT, Dan, (who by the way was a machine when it came to running) said he would do it with me  as he had never done it and he wanted to give it a go! So we had a plan and we started training together. 

Unfortunately in June that year, we lost Dan. He unfortunately was taken way to soon in a car accident. Rest in Peace buddy.

I was broken, Im not gonna lie. He was a good friend, I had known him for years and going to the gym and training became hard. I saw him in everything we did at the gym and my running training was not easy. I missed his jokes and the way he made it fun. It was than however I vowed I would do the damn run and I would finish it for him! 

I pushed myself into training and my very first mistake was not listening to my body. So many experienced runners with always say, if its an ache its normal, if it stabs, ease up or stop. I got the stab but didnt stop. I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. 

I over trained and I ended up with an injury that I now have for life. That injury is bursitis in the left hip. (Click here for more info ---> If you have never heard of it, let me just say its painful. What actually finally stopped me training was when I was literally limping and just walking was unbearable and sitting was no longer pain free. 

This injury took me out of training for 5 weeks leading up to City to Bay. I was told by the Physio, Remedial Massage Therapist and Dr that I was crazy to do it but if I still contemplated running City to Bay, I had to REST. I cried. I had gone from someone who HATED running to someone who couldnt wait to get out there. My determination however was still strong. I had to do the run for Dan. Those five weeks felt like eternity. I was not allowed to do anything. I had become a gym junkie and my frustration was at an all time high. 

I did my therapy and did as I was told however I did run City to Bay that year. I ran a good amount of it by the time I hit the 10km mark, the stabbing started again and I had to walk the rest of the way (I did push through the stabbing for the last 500m because I refused to walk over the finish line with a finish time of 1hr 33mins). I limbed for weeks later but I had promised Id do it for him and I did. 

Fast forward to 2012, I decided I was gonna do it again but this time for me and I was going to beat my time. I had been doing well with my physical therapy and wanted to get back into it. I did a few small races (5km) without to many issues and decided I would start to train 12 weeks out from City to Bay. I paid my entrance and was determined to succeed. 4 weeks in, my hip flared and this time I listened. I stopped.

I started Chiro and than my personal trainer recommended going to a podiatrist. Was the best thing I ever did. They were able to determine why I was constantly having hips flare up and said that I definately needed orthotics BUT I had to give up on doing City to Bay. If I did it again without them, I would end up messing up my knee (I was having pain start in it and it clicks when I do squats!). So for once, I did as I was told. I gave up due to medical advice. 

Once again I suffered the frustration of not being able to train to full capacity. RPM was my saviour and my brilliant personal trainer created workouts to help strengthen my hip. I got my orthotics and have been training in them since. I was told by the podiatrist to ease into running. Im still needing to ease into it. 

There is a fear there now when it comes to running. Its a fear of the pain returning, its the fear of it taking me out for weeks on end again, but its the fear that it will make me fail. 

Ive had all this going through my head for WEEKS. Today, I was listening to Jillian's podcasts and this particular podcast finally hit home (see I told you she was a smart one!). She was talking about failing and she said:

"If you do fail, remember, its an entry point for learning and not a validation that your not good enough" 

and than she asked the listeners to ask themselves:

"Where are you selling yourself short and why?"

Wise wise woman!

I wrote it down straight away. Its in my diary, its on my pin up board at work. I am using it as my mantra. If my anger run taught me anything, its that I can do it. 

So when I was asked if I want to do Dolphin Run, I thought, do it! Sign up and do it! Its the kick in the butt I needed. So Im doing it. It might also be time to work on that 5am for 21 days goal for training....

So tell me, do you have a fear? What is it and are you selling yourself short of achieving it?