Friday 25 January 2013

Project Reno and Spiders...

So last night, I swear to Lorna, that some pixie has come in and changed my 1.5kg dumbbells to 3kg each. I definitely was in struggle town last and my 30min workout felt like it went for eternity. My arms felt like they were gonna fall off but I finished that workout and made it my bitch!

I did have a minor girly moment, when I flicked out my mat and a spider came crawling out! GAH! I got all braved and ninja like, I stepped on that sucker and JFD my DVD. I am sorry to animal lovers who think spiders should be let back outside. I love all creatures EXCEPT spiders. I have a line, if they come inside, they have played Russian Roulette. If its me who finds it, generally they get a can of whoop arse or my foot (depending if Im being brave ninja). If its hubby ninja, depending on the size and type, they generally get taken back outside. I dont go getting up in their homes, they can stay out of mine. 

At our old place, we use to have this ultrasonic thing which plugged into the wall which kept mice and all creepy crawlies out. Best money we ever spent. I didn't have to be evil and kill little mices and spiders coz they stayed the hell away. We lived in harmony. When we move to Project Reno (more on that later), that thing is going back in the wall. Hell Ill even buy another one if I have to! (whatever you do, dont buy the cheap ones at bunnings, they dont work. You need to spend the $$ on the Plug in Pestfree -

So yesterday we found out that our next adventure is only around the corner. Last year, around this time, we purchased a property with land which needs major renovation work thus I have dubbed it "Project Reno". As I am all about the anon factor of my blog, when I refer to our home, it will be this. Anyways, for the last 12 months, we have had tenants in Project Reno whilst we sorted out our other home and sold it. Our than house sold quicker than we thought and we have been residing with my dad until the tenants found another home to move to. Yesterday the tenants call and say, hey we have found another place, can we move out in two weeks to which I responded SURE! Gotta get back to the country and get out of the concrete jungle. Im not ungrateful for the help my dad has given us, buy by golly, I do not like metro!

So over the coming weeks, prepared for further whinging. My organization has just stepped up again. All just before going to Brisbane....Ahh the fun! 

This weekend plans to be another busy one on Saturday but than quiet for Sunday and Monday when we are off to visit the farm again. Nothing like only hearing the kookaburras, crickets and dealing with MIL and FIL1! I plan to take organic milk again. Time will tell if it will cause another "discussion" - will keep you posted. 

Tomorrow I trek up Mt Lofty again with the 12wbt girls, with my hydration pack this time! No more dropping water bottles! After this, I go home, shower and head off to see the forever gorgeous Beaute Ninja for a massage and pedicure. She is trying to raise $'s to go to Brisbane with us and also raising money for the Para Olympic team. You get either a massage or facial plus a mani or pedi for $60 OR just a mani and pedi (shellac) for $60. If your interested, hit me up an email and Ill send you the details. She is located in Brighton and is absolutely fantastico!

Than the plan after the massage is to just RELLLAAAXXX and plan the food/exercise for next week. Easy!

So what are your plans this weekend?


  1. The massages there are excellent. I drooled and almost fell asleep.

    1. I ended up having to postpone to next Saturday but at least Ill be all relaxed and have pretty feet for Brissie now! :)
