Tuesday 15 January 2013

Oh Lorna, she is on her soapbox again...

So I have a few pet peeves. Most are very generic, for example - liers, backstabbers, people who wear FRESH make up to the gym (seriously who the hell are they kidding?), stupid people, arrogant people, uneducated people who think they have a right to an opinion when they dont know the facts (okay Ill stop there coz that will just take me onto a whole other rant about FIL1). You get my drift. But my biggest pet peeve is overweight/obese children/babies (and not just because of biggest loser USA, although this has probably just fueled me more so lately) and its also another reason why I want to do Health Promotion at Uni.

Yes yes, I know Im probably gonna open up a massive can of worms. So sue me. Actually dont, heard the term, you cant get blood from a stone? yeah well that would be me. 

Anyways, last night when walking the doggies, a mother and her children got out the car. Said woman was not a small lady, she was rather large. Next came the daughter, who I dare say was no more than 6 years....very large....and her two sons, on the edge of being big. Did I judge the mother? Yep I did. I went there and I totally had to restrain myself from going all Jillian Michaels on her arse.

What gets to me more than this, is toddlers who look like mini sumos. Don't bother giving me the excuse, oh but that is just baby fat, they will grow out of it. There is "baby fat" people and than there is setting the child up for a host of long life problems and Im not just talking about the self esteem or confidence issues, Im talking REAL life long problems like coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, knee and hip problems, sleep apnoea....shall I go on?  

According to the Bureau of Stats in Australia, in 2007-2008, around 600k children (1 quarter of children) between the ages of 5-17 were overweight or obese which was up by 4% from 1995. Wowzers! Other studies as well have shown that once these children become obese, they are likely to stay like this into adulthood and increase their chances of having the real life long problems which I mentioned above. Just keep in mind as well, this doesnt include those between the ages of 1-5 years old either.

So why are these children obese...ultimately its the lifestyle thats been created for them and the convenience of high fat, high sugar products which line our supermarkets but at the end of the day, I think some parents have become lazy in the high speed lives we all live. What ever happened to the days when McDonalds/KFC etc where a TREAT and not a staple menu item?

Now I know, Im not a parent myself, so some of you are probably thinking, now come on Sensai, you havent lived a day in my life and you know, you are right, however, what I have learnt from seeing some parents like the mother and daughter combo yesterday, is that I will not allow my child (coz when I do have one, its only gonna be one!) to consume high levels of over produced products and they will be encouraged to be active and not sit hours on end in front of the TV or computer. They will be encouraged to do dance, football etc and I will support them to be active. I will not pacify my child with lollies and junk. 

And whatever you do, dont say to me, oh but clean foods like fruit and veg are more expensive that the convenience food because my retort to this...so how much are your medical bills? Or dont give me the excuse, oh by little Jonny or Sally cracks if I dont give them what they want....Ummm your are the parent and adult (do I need to give you examples of today's society and how rude teenagers are now because parents were trying to be friends with their child and not the parent?)

At the end of the day, the lifestyle any child lives, is the sole responsibility of the parent, particularly at the small age where they are unable to defend themselves or know right from wrong. What they put in their mouth is not something they have chosen and is the decision of the adult. Just because it tastes awesome and makes you happy when you eat it, does not mean its good for you or your child? If your eating too because you think it makes you happy...well thats another can of worms for another day.

DISCLAIMER: I am no expert nor am I saying that what I have written is gospel. Its just my own opinion and I understand that others may not share my opinion. I understand that there are many facets to this issue (eg marketing etc). Ultimately at the end of the day, we all have a choice. 


  1. There is a quote I like.

    You weren't born wanting processed food. You were taught to want it.
    You learned it, you can unlearn it.

    So hopefully even if their parents make bad choics they can one day fix it themselves.

    1. That is actually a very good quote and you are quite correct. I am living evidence of that :)

      However what worries me is that it does set some if not all kids up for issues later in life and also it definitely starts a cycle of laziness and does take a lot of willpower to relearn what you have been taught. There are a lot of obese people out in the society today who know they have to lose weight but need to have an "ah huh" moment and drive to unlearn. If taught at an early age about being active and healthy lifestyle, when the child becomes an adult, they wont need to have the "ah huh" moment and determination because it was already sealed into them as a child.

  2. So now you got me started too! LOL! One bit you missed out about the healthy food and exercise...the poor teachers who have to teach these kids fuelled on sugar and low energy rates. I teach 5-7 year olds and mostly their diet is packaged crap with Nutella sandwichs. Drives me insane! No concentration level as coming down from sugar hit after recess or lunch has finished and because they have been sitting in front of the TV all their lives they don't even have enough muscle control to sit with their legs crossed on the floor for very long. Golden rule in our house...no packets in lunch boxes :)

    1. Definitely did think of that (you poor teachers seriously!) Its hard enough doing your job. Thats scary that children cant even sit for long periods of time due to muscle control. Wow.

      Its been years since i was at school, but i remember in primary school that every morning from 830am to 9am we did fitness outside whether it was skipping, hopscotch etc. Do they still do this?

    2. I think we had it easier as kids because there wasn't any of this technology crap. We HAD to go outside and play.
      Do you remember when we were in high school and there was only 1 room with computers connected to the net and they were those super slow ancient macs?
      Those were the days . . .

      - Jade :)

    3. How very true! Its where my hate for apple started I think :P

  3. Love this entry Sensai, just love it! This is also a big hang up for me, as I'm at that age (young adulthood) where I'm shopping and cooking for myself, as are my friends,and the choices we all make tell a very clear message. My parents never let us have fast food. NEVER! Not even as a treat. No drive thru McDonalds or KFC. Treats for us would be a dinner out at a restaurant, or one of our favourite dishes mum would dish up (and goddamn I never appreciate enough how great a cook my mum is!). But looking at my friends whose parents gave them fast food once a week or fortnight, now that's want they 'treat' themselves to, just on a more regular basis! You tell a child that this crap food you're giving them is a treat or a reward, then of course they're going to throw tantrums for it when they get denied. They won't know what they're "missing out on" (which is nothing!). In this case, the ignorance of a child is bliss!
