Tuesday 22 January 2013

Tour Down...Oh my Lorna...Under....

Unless you have been living under a rock (or happen to miss the GIANT BLOWN UP BIKE in Victoria Square. Dead give away!)  you would know that Adelaide roads has literally been taken over by bike riders...lots and lots of bike riders. Some, I must admit, are pretty alright on the eye ;) and some I cheer from the sidelines going YOUR FRICKEN AWESOME! Because lets face it, they may not have the physic of a full blown bike rider but seriously, I give them kudos where kudos is due as they are getting out there and being active! Those hills they ride up, definitely not for the faint hearted!

Now obviously with this take over, it means that there is a lot of Lycra wearing individuals out there. Now Im not against the Lycra, Im sure it has and serves a very good purpose for the sport (particularly if you have a nice bum!) but what I do not get nor does my eyes appreciate is WHITE Lycra. There should be a rule that says that if you plan to ride your bike (GO YOU) and you want to wear the Lycra (again GO YOU), any colour is fine EXCEPT white (or red because I have just seen a very disturbing picture which is not safe for this blog!). Now I know that white has good insulation properties with the sun etc but by golly, seriously....NO. Its like telling a teenager that the skirt she is wearing looks like a belt and is inappropriate. No one wants to see ya bits. Any of it. Regardless of whether your female or male. White Lycra is wrong. 

End of Story.

In other news, by now, you have all probably heard that Mr Lance Armstrong aint the man we all thought he was and he has admitted to Oprah that he is a cheat and he did indeed dope. I personally haven't listened to the whole interview yet (only listened to part 1 yesterday whilst working, part 2 will be listened to today) nor do I actually understand or know the full story as I honestly havent followed it 100%, but to me now, I just dont feel he is completely sincere with his apology and/or am I sure we are still getting the entire truth... 

He WAS an inspirational man and what I cant seem to wrap my brain around is that this man, he had cancer. Cancer that made him loss part of his manhood. Cancer that could have ultimately taken his life. Could it possibly been because of the doping that he got cancer in the first place? (I dont really know whether it could have, so Im happy to be proved wrong!). What continues to baffle me is WHY, once he had recovered and beaten the cancer, would you go back and continued to dope. He was given a second chance at life, he had the chance to right the wrongs and yet, he went back to the wrong. I just dont get it.
Tell me, whats your opinion on the whole Lance saga? Do you believe him? Do you think there is a whole other motive for his confession?

PS - I personally believe that this kids bike rocks on! I want one!

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