Monday 7 January 2013

Weekend of fun and grossness....

Right, Ill start by apologising. I havent blogged because simply, Ive not been near an actual computer all weekend (except my tablet but if anyone has tried to blog from one of those, dear lorna, it takes forever and I dont have anything small to say after the weekend Ive had!)

So pull yourself up, hope you have your ice coffees ready (if your drinking hot coffee, seriously dude - have you seen the weather?) and be prepared for a few giggles!

Friday - really not very eventful. Consisted of me bitching and moaning about the weather and me meltiiinnnggg. Some idiot clearly tinkered with mother natures thermostat and broke it. Obviously Mother Nature doesnt get special treatment either from the tradies in the heat either because I think its still broken coz we are gonna hit another 40 degree celsius today. The only summer heat I like is the one in Thailand and I think thats coz there is a pool and cocktails...and no stupid people annoying me.

Saturday started out fairly tame. Hubby ninja had to help father ninja do some stuff at father ninjas workshop, which meant that my morning workout was not going to be a long one. I whipped out 309calories doing a Jillian Michaels DVD, covered head to toe in sweat. My arse is still kinda sore...or maybe that was the hills I walked up yesterday....I digress. Any who, Saturdays photo a day was exercise equipment, so here ya go:

After said exercise was complete, I hopped into the shower and got dressed in Lorna (I really dont think I have anything put this in my wardrobe....). As always, I accessorized as well and became a walking advertisement:

So off we went to father ninja's workshop. I left the men there and headed to only the best place on earth, Heavens Gates at West Lakes (ohh Im a poet and didnt know it!):

Purchases were made (I cant walk in and walk out with zip, it never happens so dont even think it will happen). Following were purchased:

Clearly not to be worn together!

Oh and I picked up these beauties:


So far weekend fairly uneventful I hear you say....well its just heating up...

Once Id finished shopping at heaven, I went back to father ninja's workshop to get the men to go home to collect ninja dog and make out way to the in-laws...

Now before I go into the next 24 hours, I must tell you some info regarding the in-laws so that you understand where my poor attempt at sarcasm comes from. Hubby ninjas parents are separated (as are mine, however you wont hear me talk about manipulative liar aka my mother (she doesnt deserve ninja status) because I dont talk to her). We will refer to the his mother and step father as MIL Ninja and FIL1 Ninja. His Father and his partner, I doubt will hardly get a mention, but if he does, its FIL2. 

MIL Ninja and FIL1 Ninja live on a farm. With lots and lots of land. Its peaceful (generally) which is why hubby ninja and I venture there frequently. We need to escape the concrete jungle we live in at the moment. They have lots and lots of alpacas (over 100). Gorgeous peaceful creatures UNLESS they are pregnant and you get to close. Than you can except to be slagged on. Its not pretty and leaves you wondering how you thought they were cute!

MIL is retired, FIL1 is semi retired. MIL and FIL1 like a bit to drink which proves sometimes to be entertaining. FIL1 has been told by the doctor that for two months he is not one drop of drink. This could prove to be rather interesting, stay tuned for stories. Now, one would say okay, they are retired, they are pensioners so they need to be fregal with money. No, thats not the case. They have plenty, MIL has been retired completely for 9 months, they havent had to touch their super yet and there are no plans for them to start touching it anytime soon. Money is not an issue HOWEVER the way they live, you would think they live on the bones of their arses. 

MIL always buys non-branded foods (no big deal, I do sometimes to) however quality is definitely not a priority of quantity. When we go up to the farm, I have to grit my teeth and be all polite about whats being offered. There is no free range eggs (she buys the cheapest nastiest eggs because well, they are cheap), the milk is not organic (its UHT - blurg), any meat consumed is generally not organic or free range (it what was cheap at the supermarket) and generally everything gets put in the freezer. She is very old school when it comes to "losing weight" eg no fat in things, no sugar (uses sweetners which after my constant nagging, she is actually starting to change over to stevia....this has only taken over a year mind you). Veg is about the only thing that is organic (or fish they have caught when they have gone away in the caravan) because she grows it , however what ever is in the garden, it gets put in EVERYTHING. I now cant stand eggplant because when we lived with them back 6 years ago for three months, eggplant was in EVERYTHING. Just the thought of eggplant makes me gag. MIL cooking is sometimes much to be desired. She substitutes things with things NOT EVEN similar in a recipe which than ends up with a meal that is generally gag worthy. You eat with a napkin...if you dont, you swallow and try and imagine its the best meal you have ever had.

FIL1 has his idiosyncrasies. He is a man who is always right (even if he is wrong). Its pointless trying to argue with him regarding organic and non organic, free range and non free range etc. You give up because you cant reason with him. Does my head in most times. I tend to not raise the subject with him because he infuriates me. Poor hubby ninja normally gets a massive bitch fest on the way home of all the things he has done that has infuriated me over the stay. FIL1 has previously had throat cancer and tends to have trouble eating because of it (his body doesnt create enough saliva etc). FIL1 is generally an okay cook but sometimes has a little to much adventure with what he is cooking which can end up in some gag worthy moments. FIL1 doesnt understand the term in moderation, so if he cooks, smaller portions are best.

Needless to say, both of them dont lead the healthiest lifestyles and they live frugally. Very frugally. HOWEVER I must say, they are lovely people, they just have and do things I dont agree with. Mostly however their hearts are in the right place. Most of the time. I love MIL to death and FIL1, although drives me around the bend, I always have time for him. They mean well and I can have a laugh with them. This is the main thing.

OH the dog. They say dogs are like their owners....They only have to see Corgie to agree. 

So back to Saturday. We drive up there and get there around 630pm. Instantly its quiet (can only hear the birds) and SOOO much cooler that I actually have to go looking for a jacket. I am already dreading whats for dinner. Thank Lorna, they have decided to make home made pizzas. Actually was rather tasty and pretty healthy. Thats the one thing about coming to the farm, I can pretty much guarantee although the food isnt organic or free range, there aint gonna be anything fattening or high in sugar about it. 

Alcohol was consumed (red wine for me) and it was apparent that this wasnt MIL first one. MIL tells me she has already prepared breakfast and its frozen in the freezer (im not surprised). She has made waffles and than gets all excited as she rummages in the cupboard to produce REAL maple syrup for me. She said she specially bought for me coz she knows I dont like her "slimming" one (sweetner laden cancer loaded maple flavoured nothing nutritious about it)...Bless her cotton holey socks. This makes me smile. She actually made the effort to put  a smile on my dial. I love her.

After tea, we went outside to hit some golf balls into the paddocks which ends up with me generally creating holes in the lawn. I'm not the next Ms Tiger Woods but I do manage to eventually hit some balls. Not far. I become Queen Champion of the Veggie Patch (this is generally how far my balls went, so maybe 10 meters!). I should add this to my list, Im gonna learn to hit a golf ball correctly and get a killer swing. Hubby ninja hits them like a pro. Im in awe. 

Banter happens (as it always does when they have a few under their belt and we are sober) and by 945pm we are heading to bed. Its been a long day. Sleep - oh I slept. It was cool and quiet. How I miss the country!

Saturday morning I wake, get up and have the waffles which are now defrosted. They actually arent to bad I have to admit, she has done well (clearly nothing subed). Coffee is consumed and FIL1 asks if we want to go with him into the paddocks, down to the dam to set some yabby traps and to find golf balls. I throw on his sneakers (coz I only brought thongs, note to self, bring sneakers next week) and we get going. The paddocks are steep. I figure its mount lofty training. My butt is sore today! This is generally what it looked like:

 Photos dont do the justice. They are STEEP and slippery thanks to the dry grass! I made hubby ninja go first incase of snakes coz Im awesome like that!!

We get back to the house and FIL1 said he is going to make seafood sausages. Im already gagging. For xmas they bought themselves a mincer so they could make their own "gourmet" sausages. I cringe writing this. He has prawns already defrosted and starts to mince them. Im trying so hard to not dry reach whilst he is doing it. He insists I watch. Oh Lorna, the smell. It kills me. Than he things, ohh we will make chicken ones to. I said "are you going to clean that out?" to which I get told nah, it will be fine. I said "no worries if you want salmonella" to which I than get a lecture about how the bug has to be present in order for you to get salmonella. blah blah blah. I argue that its Russian roulette with food and that if Im vomitting tomorrow, Ill call him and put it on speaker so he can hear. He decides then maybe not to do it. Win for me! However because not enough prawns to make a decent amount of sausages, MIL goes looking in the freezer. Comes out with some fish (Lorna knows what it was!) and some squid. That goes through the mincer. She decides to add a zucchini because she thinks it will  be to dry otherwise....All this time, Im resisting the urge to bring up breakfast. This is what I had to watch (be prepared for grossness!):

BLURG *Vomit*

Needless to say, said sausages were GROSS as predicted. I took one bite and not so politely spat it in the bin. I was realllllll lady like, I tell you. MIL thought they were lovely but FIL1 said they were "okay" I reckon he hated em but didnt want to say. Hubby Ninja (or my "other hubby" if you were quick enough on facebook yesterday) and I had vegemite sandwiches. 

(just looking at that picture makes me gag)

The afternoon really consisted of relaxing. Its so quiet up there and I crawled back into bed to read a magazine and generally ommm out. Ninja dog sat at the end of the bed looking out the window at the alpacas. 

Look at this shot, I swear if there was an Australia's next top Doggy model, Ninja Dog would be a winner!

How gorgeous is she. Got the light in the right part of her face and all. Bless.

Nanna nap happened and when i woke, hubby decides that we are staying for dinner. Oh dear Lorna, I thought, no more smelly food. I volunteer to make dinner and cooked up a batch of Cupcake Quiches from 12wbt recipes. They were a hit with MIL and FIL1, hubby ninja really enjoyed also!  WINNER! (bigger than they were meant to be coz MIL insisted on making them in the pie maker!)

After dinner, we finally headed home to the concrete jungle. Thanks to all the concrete and heat, the house was hotter than hell itself! Sleeping last night proved to be not easy, even with the AC on and I think I may of managed about 5 hours if that last night. Today could be interesting! Poor people who work with me.

So all in all as you can see, its been "fun". 

Apologies for the long post but I did warn you! 

So tell me, how was your weekend?


  1. Interesting weekend! I too escaped the heat to Victor, then came home today to a hot house :(

  2. Eww hot houses! Hope yours is cooled down now :D
