Tuesday 1 January 2013

Fun in the Sun

Welcome to 2013 with an ouch. Im currently walking around like a female John Wayne. Walking is kinda hard today and a handrail for my bathroom would be lovely! Thanks!

I welcomed 2013 from the back of my eyelids last night. Im a nanna I know. Was in bed by 11. I just couldnt say up for that extra hour. Im a very sad individual.  

Today we ventured (I hobbled) to the beach with some friends and their son. Today was my last day of taking it easy. Tomorrow I vow to ensure to log everything I put in my mouth on here and on myfitnesspal. My promise is to kick the next 6 weeks in the arse and send some of my fat with it. 

Any who, today saw us ventured to the beach and enjoyed some sun before it got really nasty, with our friends and their son, ninja dog also in tow. 

It was lovely day and little man ninja makes for an entertaining adventure. We made sandcastles and he smashed 'em. They last all of 10 seconds before he would volunteer to "smash it". 

He is such a hysterical little man! After castle smashing, we than went for a walk to collect shells along the beach. I think he may of collected half the beach in his bucket as with every shell, he would take a scoop of sand! Couldnt work out what that was about but hey was happy :P Makes your remember to enjoy the simple things hanging with a two and bit year old!

Lunch was on the grass, yes it was naughty fish and chips but we did make sure to have some salad and fruit as well. I ate half my fish and gave rest to hubby. Better on his bum than mine :) Sharing is caring remember!

After our fun in the sun, we all went our separate ways. My bed was calling and a nanna nap happened (I told you I was a nanna). Im now simply trying to combat some dehydration with some water and contemplating what to cook for tea (I havent done our weekly plan yet for dinners because of all our days out over the festive period) whilst walking around like a nanna. Man DOMs you suck.

Its back to work tomorrow for me. No rest for the wicked ;). With work comes the need to remember to drink water. One awesome ninja on our facebook page put this up which Im kinda surprised I have missed (being a worshipper of Lorna and all!). 

If you are struggling with drinking 8 glasses of water a day, here is what Lorna Jane lives by:
  1. a glass of water as soon as you wake up
  2. a glass of water with her daily multi vitamin
  3. a glass of water with breakfast
  4. a glass of water when she gets to work (after her morning coffee)
  5. a glass of water with lunch
  6. a glass of water is kept on her desk throughout the day for sipping on
  7. a glass of water with tea
  8. a glass of water before she goes to bed

Ahh Lorna is brilliant. Such a good idea! Might try this tomorrow as well as setting goals and planning our food and my exercise for the rest of the fortnight. Will keep you posted!

WELCOME TO 2013 and I hope you all have a fantastic year!

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