Sunday 27 January 2013

Breakfast - What was on your menu this morning?

This morning, I tried a new to me muesli which I purchased from my soon to be local fruit and veg place and I have to say, it was absolutely divine. Hubby ninja said it looked like chook feed and we didnt have chooks so who was eating it!? ME of course! When I saw the ingredients of it in the shop, it went straight into the basket as this baby was a nutritional powerhouse breaky for sure!

Ingredients: Sunflower seeds, Pepitas, rice bran flakes, almonds, puffed brown rice, dates (15%), Dried Banana Chips (5%), Organic puffed amaranth, Coconut oil. 

Calories per 50g serve was 239 calories of nutritional goodness. 

I had mine served with fresh strawberries and blueberries and organic skim milk :) Coffee to the side with no sugar! Breakfast of champions!

So what makes this a nutritional powerhouse? Well let Sensai explain!

Sunflower Seeds - They say large things come in small packages and this little seed is no exception. This tiny seed contains an exceptional source of Vitamin E which is the bodys primary fat-soluble antioxidant. Vit E has a momentous anti-inflammatory effect that have proven results in reducing the symptoms of asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It also plays a very important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease! On top of this, they are also a good source of Selenium, Magnesium and Protein (just 100g of these babies will give you a whopping 21g of Protein!)

Pepitas (aka Pumpkin Seeds) - These seeds also pack a punch of nutritional benefits. They offer a myriad of nutrients including amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids and a wealth of minerals such as calcium, potassium, niacin and phosphorous. They are high in most of the B vits, but also Vit C, D, E & K. They are also rich in beta carotene which can be converted to Vit A as needed by the body AND they are rich in the eye protective carotenoid lutin. Snacking on just one handful of these babies will provide an amazing 9 grams of body building protein along with manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc! 

Rice Bran Flakes - High in dietary fibre and fibre means your fuller for longer! It is also natures gentle "sweep" of your internal digestion organs. By promoting bowel regularity, you significantly increase your bodies natural ability to process foods you consume. It also contains awesome antioxidant properties that help fight off toxins that our bodies are continually subjected to!

Almonds - My favourite nut of all time! Almonds are rich in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals and is also packed with health promoting phyto-chemicals, which helps protect against diseases and cancers. It contains the all important Vit E, the all important B-complex vits such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, panthothenic acid, Vit B6 and folates. These important vits help boost your metabolism and help make it work at its best. Further to this, this awesome nut also has incredible sources of minerals such as Manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. 

Puffed Brown Rice - Some mornings, I love this just on its own with banana, strawberries and milk. Its like having rice bubbles without all the added salt and crap that comes with it. This awesome cereal alternative contains not only the awesome properties of dietary fibre but it also contains very little fat, no sodium or cholestrol and contains very little calories. For the few calories, it does contains the important B vits, as well as significant amounts of zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. Its a wicked source of mineral manganese which is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins and essential for a healthy nervous system!

Dates - are like natures candy and are a nugget of nutrition which will help tame any sweet toothes craving. Dates are sodium free, fat free, cholestrol free, are an awesome source of fibre (both soluble and insoluble), potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, cooper and manganese. WOW! All that for a sweet treat, someone hand me some dates (and almonds to help level out the GI of these babies)

Banana Chips - Now banana chips are probably on par with potato chips really due to the fact they are pretty much fried the same way. In saying this, the whole packet only contains 5%, which really in the grand scheme of it, aint to bad. When I ate this breaky this morning, I think I may of got 1 banana chip!

Amaranth - of late, I have heard this one being talked about in books and online which has peaked my curiosity of what it actually tasted like. Bob Harper talks a bit about it in his book "The Skinny Rules" I have to admit, that after this mornings breaky, Im a fan! Amaranth, like Quinoa, is referred to as a grain but in actual fact, like Quinoa, is a seed! Another highly nutritious seed and offers a complete form of vegetable protein. It also contains a great source of dietary fiber, calcium and minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. Amaranth is an awesome source of all essential amino acids, in particular lysine which has a strengthening, toning effect on the body. Amaranth is also gluten free, easily digested and is especially beneficial for active people, vegetarians, and pregnant and breastfeeding women. Like Quinoa, it also comes in many forms, from the seed inself to flour for baking! 

Coconut Oil - People who know me well, know I love all things coconut and this oil is no exception. It has multiple uses from being an awesome moisturiser for your skin and hair, but also having a fantastic nutritional benefit. Now I know what your thinking, coconuts are high in saturated fat, this cant be good for me HOWEVER its actually the complete opposite to what your thinking. Coconut oil has a thermogenic effect on the body, which means it actually SPEEDS up your metabolism! If you have digestion issues or tummy bloating (eg. IBS), adding this oil daily to your diet, may help you! Fatty acids found in coconut oil contain anti microbial properties, which have a soothing affect on bacteria, yeast infections (eg thrush) or parasites which cause poor digestion! Recently it has been reported to help with insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes, as it helps control blood sugar levels! Those suffering from the medical concerns mentioned above (eg IBS, thrush, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes) apparently will benefit of having a teaspoon of this awesome oil every day before breakfast!

If you want to know how each vitamin plays a role in your body and health, have a read of this website! Its a favourite I have on my PC.

Is your brain full now? If not, if you ate the muesli or any of these awesome foods, your belly should be! haha! :)

So tell me, what do you have for breakfast most mornings?

Disclaimer: Im no expert! I simply do a lot of reading and research, if something I have stated is wrong, please feel free to correct me :)

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