Thursday 24 January 2013

Flat tummies and DEXA scans.

Im starting todays post with a random thought I had last night (this is exactly what I was thinking btw):

Laying down in bed, I really like my body. Like really like it. Why? Because I have a flat stomach. Gravity is a bitch when I stand, I have a belly, but when I lie down, I have a flat belly. 

Lets not discuss the fact that my lady lumps end up looking like eggs in a pan and disappear under my arms or the fact that my arse fat doesnt disappear...

I have a flat stomach!!

Right so onto other information. As you all are aware, I went and had a DEXA scan last night. The reason was mainly because I really wanted to know a few things, those being:
  • How much fat do I currently have (body fat %) and how much do I really have left to lose?
  • How much of that dangerous fat (visceral) do I have?
  • What was my true Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) eg how many calories do I need to just simply function?
  • How much actual lean muscle do I have?
So off I toddled to Adelaide BodyScan on Kensington Road, Rose Park ( For those interested, this guy (Tim) was absolutely amazing. They have only recently started and seem to be the only place in Adelaide that offer this service and the only machine (he said in Australia?) to offer the Visceral fat scan. This scan I think is really important, cos thats the scary fat you dont want to have around your organs! The cost was only $95 and I think was money very well spent!

I went in, filled in a piece of paper and was summoned to his office. I can honestly say I wasnt really that nervous like I thought I may have been. I think after seeing some of the other girls results and having an idea of what could come back, I figured, Im only arming myself with the best possible information about my body. 

This is my scan (look Im a skeleton!)

The red section is the fat I need to really lose. Its the fat I know is there, the fat that wont currently move but seeing this has really made me more determined to lose the RED fat. See I knew there was a skinny person in there somewhere!!! haha.

My stats were as follows:

Visceral Fat - 119g which puts me is the VERY LOW risk category for developing type 2 diabetes
Total Body Fat - 28,633g (38.1%). In order to get into the Optimal Health, I need to lose 8.1% of my body fat which from my calculations roughly works out that my ideal weight is around the 70kg mark (which is my current goal weight. So to get to this, I need to lose the stubborn 6.6kg.
Lean Muscle - 46,428kg (59.8%)
Android/Gynoid (waist/hip) - Android - 35.7%, Gynoid - 46.2% A/G Ration -0.77  (ideally it should be below 1, which mine is! Woohoo)
RMR - 1563 calories per day (so what my body burns with doing absolutely nothing but rest
Relative Skeletal Muscle Index (RSMI) - So the amount of muscle in the arms and legs - 7.56kg per sqm
Bone density was very good 

So there ya go! It comes with a full 4 page report which even has the full body body composition information (so how much fat etc is in your left arm, right arm etc)

Its really given me a lot of information to process and to really think about my next action plan on how to combat the beast that is my fat. My aim is to eat more wholesome products, lean meats and lots more veg. I unfortunately believe that I do eat to many carbs and I really need to get that balance right with it all. AND READ, Im going to read some more books and do some more research on it all. 

All in all, I am really happy with the results.


  1. Looks good, what do you wear while doing something like that?

  2. absolutely nothing.... hahaha joking. Just whatever you have shown up in. They will ask you to remove your shoes and jewellery but otherwise your fully clothed!
