Wednesday 2 January 2013

Baggy tops and angry sea urchins

Thank Lorna for baggy tops. Its just what I needed to look good without showing the water baby I have underneath. Im bloated like an angry sea urchin. Im feeling like a sumo and definitely not a ninja! Oh and my legs are still bitchin. Its been an entertaining day for everyone around as they watch me hobble, stumble (no alcohol consumed I swear - I wore the wrong shoes for tired legs) and generally have a bitch about anything that needed to be bitched about. Ive been a ray of sunshine I can tell you! 

Just to share the horrid that was hidden, heres me in my workout gear today before taking my tired lactic acid filled legs for a walk - see baggy top covering my gut! Thanks Lorna! (also this is to be my 1 pic for january - more on that in a sec).


Workout today was a 30min walk with the ninja dog and the following resistant band workout - 

3 Rounds - 15 Reps of each

  • Chest Pull
  • Bent over row
  • Shoulder Raises
  • Bicep Curls
  • Overhead Tricep Extension.

Calories burned was a measly 221, however better none at all I say! We did enjoy our walk, although by the time we got to the shops, ninja dog was knackered, I think mainly coz of the heat. She is currently flaked on the lounge under the AC and is finding it hard to stay awake! I shared the rest of my water bottle with her whilst ninja hubby came and picked us up (we needed moo juice so I figured we would walk the 30mins to the shops instead of a 5min ride in the car).

Today for me has been pretty good food wise, I flexed my willpower muscle (coz its the only one not sore at the moment) and resisted chocolate. It was hard I tell you but I need a clean food day! After all the festivities and what not, Im really needing to rein it in and get back into the swing of getting my booty smaller. Calories consumed so far is 1124 but I need to boost that sucker up a few 100 calories so I may have some yogurt for desert. Water has nearly been 8 cups, Im about 1 short which Ill chugged shortly. All in all, Ive been a good ninja and I feel better and not like Im in a bad food coma. Food is medicine peeps!

Oh and I stewed some oldish nectarines to have on my breakfast tomorrow! Sorry that was random!

Alright back to the photo a day for January. A ninja on our facebook page has shared with us all and I want to share with you. If you want to join, make sure you comment below so I can follow :) 

So tell me, what have you been up to today? Have you flexed your willpower muscle?

PS Im doing our menu now for the rest of the fortnight and goals for this year. Hopefully have sometime this week to share :)

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