Tuesday 29 January 2013

Orange Salad Heaven...

So today has been one of those days, you know those days, you have all the plans to complete a heap of stuff and you only touch the top of it. The day went quicker than a young blokes first time and I was seriously left sighing as I left the office, thinking and dreading what I have to get done before I go to Brisbane!!

Speaking of Brisbane, Mother Natures - Seriously!? What are you doing to these poor people, they only just recovered from the last flooding you gave them! Thank Lorna this time it wasnt as bad as two years ago but still!! We have a party to attend, could you please ease up!!

Dress hunting is still an ongoing saga. Ninja Hubby is over it and Im sure those Im seeking advice from are ready to justify why they shouldnt be friends with me anymore.  My dad offered to buy me one for my birthday and I found an absolutely gorgeous dress. It said IN STOCK SIZE 12! Im like Oh MY LORNA! I go to order the dress to get shot down in flames. Not in my size. Lying deceitful website. So Im watching another on ebay and also sent this website an email to see if they do have one and its just a fault with the website. At this rate I could have 2 dresses or no dresses and will be hamming up a black garbage bag with bling! At least Ill get noticed I guess.... haha

Today besides going like the wind bullseye, was good eating and exercise. Dinner was nearly the same old boring chicken salad but I called upon my SA Crews advice on how to not have another. I totally would have had the Mango Chicken Salad again, its a right winner in my eyes, but alas I didnt buy a mango (didnt feel like donating a kidney to coles to get one). I did however have an orange in my fridge still from last week. So I put together lettuce, cucumber, avo, orange, walnuts, splash of balsamic and grilled me some chicken to mix in. OH MY LORNA! Its a revolution! ORANGE in salad, new favourite! HEAVEN!! DO IT! Dont even question it like I did, cut that sucker up and throw it in. You wont regret it! (I would have snapped a pic for ya but my head went in that bowl and didnt come up for air til I was done! It was THAT GOOD!)

Exercise consisted of Jillian Yoga Meltdown. My hip has decided to not be impressed with me since the Lofty walk but I wasnt to let it beat me this time. I thought a good stretch out would be good for it plus good for my head. I had a ripper of a headache and the last thing I wanted to do was run with it. Burnt a good 260 calories, not bad, not great but Ill take it!

Things seem to be kinda on track in my head at the moment. Im being more interesting with foods and trying not to just eat carrot sticks and cucumbers. I think one of the reasons I get so side tracked is because I get bored. Im trying to make sure all my meals have that right balance of Carbs, Protein and Fat. If I have a piece of fruit, I am having 10 nuts to balance it out. Lets hope for a loss tomorrow, would be nice for a fricken change! Plus I dunno how many more beatings the scales will take before they fall apart....

So tell me, whats your favourite salad combo?

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