Monday 14 January 2013

Okay, who stole the weekend?

Where the hell did the weekend go? Im back at work at 730am in the morning and right now my keyboard looks like an awesome pillow. Im exhausted and Im just outrightly annoyed and the day hasnt even started.

The weekend was consumed mainly by being at the in-laws, having petty arguments with the in-laws (over organic milk - see facebook for my rant on this lovely bit of story) and than yesterday doing sweet FA whilst the boys ripped the roof out of my friends place. Some would ask, why are you so exhausted than, you werent in the roof. Honestly, I just dont know why Im tired. Maybe my irons low again (note to self, get more iron tablets) or maybe Im just being emotional coz Im female and I can? Maybe Ill blame the moon. Damn Moon. 

Saturday saw me walking up lofty again (and not getting lost getting there!!) with some lovely ninjas from 12wbt. I got to meet some new faces and hear their stories. Made it to the top in 59mins 48secs which is 3mins better than last time. It was a considerable amount cooler and WINDY at the top. I did however look a lot more relaxed at the top this time and not so dead.

I also have to admit I wasnt slugged with the terrible DOMS like the first time, maybe because I stretched and also hydrated constantly on the walk, plus I also walked another 3km in the afternoon to my MIL's neighbours place to help them with their daughters new ipod (*shudder* sometimes the knowledge I have is not worth having!!!!). I did however get to meet her doggies. She breeds wirey coat Jack Russells and I think I fell in love....

How adorable are they! They have so much personality as well!!! Maybe a new member to add to the hobby farm when we move there?? Must convince Hubby Ninja. 

In the evening, FIL1 and I went into the paddocks to check on the alpacas. A few females are due any day now. I had one particular alpaca (dark one pictured below) come right up to me and literally kiss me on the cheek! So beautiful! love these creatures! Also pictured below, you will see a brown one, look at her belly...yes thats not normal and yes thats a baby trying to move into position we think!! Simply amazing!

My two alpacas were in another paddock far from the house, so I couldnt get to them to get photos. Once I do get photos, Ill show you. Their names are Ralph and Fred :) Both are runts but I always have had a soft spot for the under dog! 

So all up, exercise wise, things have been good. Food wise has been good to until last night when dinner was a blow out but considering I didnt have a treat night saturday, Im not really beating myself up over it. I managed to sway the in-laws to not have their "alpaca mince" stuffed capsicums by buying some nice Enzo's pasta and sauce for tea on Saturday night. 

So tell me, how was your weekend?

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