Friday 4 January 2013

Achievements for 2013

So like everybody, the new year comes and people go "okay, whats my resolution?". Personally, I don't like resolutions. Its feels to me like something you say at 12am and than its forgotten because of that hazy headache in the morning (mine was due to needing more sleep most like, not alcohomohol). Yes Im a nanna.

I am going to set achievements this year. Things I want to say YES I DID IT and tick it off a list! This way Im more inclined to stick to it. I beat myself up when I haven't made a goal in a said time frame (eg lose a 1kg a week, doesn't happen, I lose 500g, I than ninja kick myself and get all deflated). By having a list of achievements I want to have done by the end of 2013, Im giving myself time to get there.

Sooooo - here is my list of things I am want to achieve in 2013:
  1. Do 20 proper all-the-way-down pushups on my toes!
  2. Get to 70kg (preferably before I go away to Thailand in April)
  3. Learn beginner Thai and be able to say more than just Hello and Thank you
  4. Wear a bikini in Thailand
  5. Try not to kill hubby ninja as he rips walls out of our home to renovate
  6. Reduce coffee intake to 1 per day only
  7. Get up at 5am for 21 days straight (to create a habit) to go for a walk/run
  8. Start to run again (more on why I stopped later)
  9. Run the 5km Color Run when they get to Adelaide
  10. Do 50km Trailblazer walk (need a team, who wants to join me??)
  11. Walk up lofty and beat my current time 
  12. Do Mud Run (if its back on in Adelaide)
  13. Get a personal trainer and train with them at least once a week
  14. Start and complete a year of Uni with good marks
  15. Get off my anti-depressants (low dose)
  16. Have a back like Tough Mudder Cupcake Marathon Ninja
  17. Take a self defence class
  18. Go rockclimbing on an indoor wall
  19. Try to not buy to much Lorna Jane before going to Brisbane!
  20. Get a photo with Mish in Brisbane and possibly a hug! It will be my birthday after all!!!!
  21. Do the Finale exercise challenge at the end of round 1 (hopefully it will be in ADELAIDE!!!)
  22. Get a new Ninja Puppy and friend for Ninja dog
  23. Make sure to move my body at least 5 days a week
  24. Incorporate Yoga into my weekly workouts (remember to wooosssaaaa)
  25. Hold a plank for 3 minutes
Im sure over the year this list will grow and I will update for all to see!!

What achievements do you want for 2013? 


  1. Great list!! Brisbane is going to rock!!

    1. Thanks hun! We are gonna rock Brisbane wide open that she has to bring it to Adelaide this year!!!!


    just for you :)

    1. Ohhh must look for that! Thats awesome!!! :)

  3. Fantastic list Hailey :) definitely achievable for you because you have the determination to do it! T xx
