Wednesday 16 January 2013

Scales, dresses and tantrums...OH MY!

Today has not started out very well at all. I left my coffee on the bench at home but thats not what started it.

Jumped on scales this morning for the WWW. After being really good and working out 5 times last week I was rewarded with a measly 100g loss. WTF body WTF! This round has definitely NOT been my round and more than once have I wanted to ditch the scales across the room and watch it smash to smithereens. According to the tape measure Ive lost CMs in this round so one would say I should be happy with that. Im not. My goal is 70kg and under. Im still bloody 5.8kg away from it and even though it doesnt seem like much, it feels like eternity til I reach it! 

I know I can get there. I have to be persistant. 

Right now, right in this minute, I lack the positive attitude I normally have. Im at a loss. 

Well at least its a loss somewhere right?

Last night I went for another run which is kind of an accomplishment. I said to myself JFDI. My hip is a itsy bit sore but not feeling to bad. See how the rest of the day goes.

Also been looking at dresses....lots and lots of dresses....and Im still yet to find one for finale. At this rate Im going in a glammed up garbage bag with glittery heels. Dont think Im joking either! Im running out of time to buy one online and stores are just full of crap. I didnt think it would be hard to find a dress thats knee length, shows a bit of the girls and not look like a fluffy bit of fabric. 

Boy was I wrong. Online is like Im looking for a dress to go to a gypsy wedding and the stores have dresses which are so short, one would think I forgot the dress part all together and am wearing a wide belt. 

Exhibit A ('I-killed-a-bird' look)
Dont get me wrong, I have found some nice ones, but not in my size and I have been told by mother hen ninja that I must venture outside the square and go for another colour other than BLACK! 

This is when I believe if Lorna made cocktail dresses, I would not be in this dilemma. The decision would be easy! I think it maybe time to write her a letter and make the suggestion :)

So tell me, have you found a dress? Where did you get yours from?


  1. Oh dear. Finding that right dress is hard. I have one I got online from they only have 3 dresses now, the one I have is the black and white one...but have lost weight in the boobs and tried it on last night and need to wear straps :(
    Have you checked out Target??? I know it sounds silly but they have some really nice dresses in there at the moment and not too expensive either. I have one from there that may be my back up dress if I lose too much more weight in the top half...both of these dresses are black and white, coincidence!
    Good luck, use your Ninja senses to sniff out that dress.

  2. I bought a finale dress a few weeks before hand but bought the dress i wore that afternoon at myer. Go shopping with someone who will encourage you and try anything in your size that seems the right length - you'd be surprised how crappy dresses can look on the hanger but look sensational on - good luck :)
